Page 18 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 18

Eminent persons leading
          the National dialogue              The agenda and how

                                             the event evolved

                                                he National Dialogue Conference   Resident Representative, Naledi Pandor
                                            Twas  officially  opened  on  the  3rd   – H.E President Cyril Ramaphorsa’s
                                            of November by H.E Vice President   Representative and Amb. Naohiro
                                            Hussein Abdelbagi, on behalf of the   Tsutsumi – Japanese ambassador to
                                            President, H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit   South Sudan.
          Hon. Abel Alier Kwai (born 1933) is   who was away on official duty in   The Dialogue has brought together more
          a South Sudanese politician and judge   Khartoum. The opening ceremony was   than 500 participants including 294
          who served as Vice President of Sudan   graced by a wide array of dignitaries,   delegates from 80 counties from across
          between 1971 and 1982 and as President   eminent persons, members of the   the three greater regions of the country.
          of  the  High Executive  Council  of  the   diplomatic corps and the international   Besides  the  delegates,  additional
          Southern Sudan Autonomous Region   community;  among  them  H.E,  Vice   participation in the conference will
          between 1972 and 1978. Mr. Alier has   President Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior,   come from members of the National
          played a vital role in unifying South   David Shearer –  UN-DSRSG for South   Dialogue Steering committee, Political
          Sudan forces.                     Sudan, Kalonzo Musyoka – Kenya’s   Parties, Civil Society Organizations,
                                            Special Envoy to South Sudan, Ismail   women/youth networks, Faith-based
                                            Wais – IGAD Special Envoy,Parfait   organizations, South Sudanese business
                                            Onanga-Anyanga    –  Special  Envoy  community  representative,  SSPDF,
                                            of United Nations Secretary-General   SSNP and some media organs.
                                            for the Horn of Africa, Aya Chebi –   Main issues that will be deliberated upon
                                            AU Special Envoy on Youth, Hon.    are:
                                            Jemma Nunu Kumba – SPLM Secretary   1. Transformation of Governance in
                                            General, Amb. Mohamed Qadah –         South Sudan
                                            Egyptian Ambassador to South Sudan,   2. Security Sector Reforms in South
                                            Prof. Jerome Biswaro – African Union   Sudan
          Angelo Beda was born in 1939 at Akpa   Representative among others.  3. Building Strong foundations for the
          in Tambura State. He is a South Sudanese   A few guests of honor were unable to   Economy of South Sudan
          veteran  politician and  statesmana  and   physically attend the ceremony but did   4.  Recommendations  for  Social
          serves the National Dialogue  as its
          co-chair and head of delegation. He   so virtually. Among these were Dr. Kamil   Cohesion in South Sudan.
          hails from the Azande Tribe/ ethnic   Kamaluddeen – UNDP South Sudan
          Community of Western Equatoria
          Region, the second largest tribe in South
          Sudan (1956 Census). Angelo Beda is
          commonly known among the Azande as
          “Bakumba” (i.e Elder).

         Hon. Gabriel Yoal Dok  serves the
         National Dialogue as its Deputy Co-
         Chair. Mr. Yoal has long experience in
         politics and statesmanship, beginning   On Sunday, 1st of March, 2020, The leadership of the National Dialogue payed
         with his appointment in 1970 as a   a courtesy call to H.E, The First Vice-President of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar
         diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign   to congratulate him on his appointment as First Vice President, as well as
         Affairs when he was posted in the   acknowledge and applaud the efforts , He and H.E President Salvar Kiir, are
         Sudanese embassy in Addis Ababa.    putting to build peace in the country.

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