Page 13 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 13

Leaders & Politics




          lessons for                       President, Nana Akufo Addo being sworn on winning second term in 2020 elections

          Africa                            Joseph Arthur Ankrah who served as   African country the pride of place as

                                            the 2nd President of Ghana from 1966   Africa’s beacon of democracy.
                                            to 1969 was removed in another coup
          Nana Akufo-Addo has won Ghana’s   d’état that brought in Akwasi Amankwaa   Ghana is democratic trailblazer on a
          presidential election in a relatively   Afrifa(1969-1970).           turbulent continent, generally one of
          peaceful and tranquil campaign that has                              West Africa’s most stable democracies.
          been celebrated across the continent and   General Ignatius Acheampong led a   Ghana’s election occurred as covid-19
          beyond,  as  an example  to  emulate  for   coup d’etat which  overthrew  President   cases in the country climbed, and only
          many African countries.           Akufo-Addo, Prime Minister Abrefa   weeks after the death of former president
                                            Busia and his government on 13 January
          This  is  not  to  say  there  were  no  issues   1972. He ruled until 1979, when he was   Jerry John Rawlings.
          or violence reported—five people are   removed through another coup d’etat led   Ghana has produced strong leaders
          reported to have been killed in election   by General Fred Akuffo.   like Kwame Nkrumah and Jerry John
          related violence—comparative to what                                 Rawlings.  Nkrumah     championed
          happens elsewhere on the continent—  Jerry Rawlings came to power in   anti-colonial struggles while Rawlings
          ihe burning of houses, the breaking   Ghana as a flight lieutenant following a   advocated  for  a  people-centered
          of limbs and skulls, police brutality   coup d’etat in 1979, removing General   development.
          and killing by the bullet that often   Fred Akuffo. Prior to that, he led an
          characterize elections in Africa, Ghana’   unsuccessful coup attempt against the   Contrasting Ghana’s poll with a string
          elections were qualified by international   ruling military government on 15 May   of elections in Africa 2020-2021, the
          observers as free and fair..      1979, just five weeks before scheduled   continent, it is easy to observe that the
                                            democratic elections,. After handing   continent’s incumbents had learnt how to
          The 76-year-old Akufo-Addo from the   power  over  to  a  civilian  government,
          center-right New Patriotic Party (NPP)   he retook control of the country on 31   use violence, money and constitutional
          beat his opponent and predecessor John   December 1981 as the chairman of the   tricks to game the electoral process.
          Dramani Mahama of the center-left   Provisional National Defence Council   In Tanzania, John Magufuli won 84
          National Democratic Congress (NDC)   (PNDC).                         per  cent  of  the  vote  in  October  after
          with 51.59% of the vote. It is expected                              the opposition candidate was subjected
          that this will be his second and final   In 1992, Rawlings resigned from   to death threats. In the same month,
          term in accordance with the Ghanaian   the military, founded the National   Alpha Condé, 82, secured a third term
          constitution.                     Democratic Congress (NDC), and     in  Guinea  in an  election scarred  by
                                            became the first President of the
          Ghana returned to  democratic rule   Fourth Republic. He was re-elected in   violence after a new constitution enabled
          and multi-party in 1992, following a   1996 for four more years. After two   him to reset the clock on his presidency,
          checkered history of coup d’état and   terms in office, the limit according to   overriding a two-term limit.
          counter- coup or coup d’état, since   the Ghanaian Constitution, Rawlings   In Uganda, opposition candidate Bobi
          independence.                     endorsed his vice-president John Atta   Wine  has  faced  violence  and  police

          On  February  24th,  1966,  President   Mills as a presidential candidate in 2000.   brutality that has left more than 60 dead,
          Kwame  Nkrumah, the  first leader of   He died in November 2020, at age 73.  as the country head to a general election,
          independent  Ghana and champion  of   It is this return to democracy by   January, 14 with Yoweri Museveni, 76,
          pan-African unity, was overthrown in   Rawlings that ushered Ghana in to a   president for 34 years, is seeking another
          a coup d’etat led by senior Ghanaian   sustained era of democratic rule and   term after removing a constitutional age
          military and police officers.     peaceful transition that hold the west   limit.

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