Page 27 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 27

IMF to lend to low-income countries.   DRC:
          reserves and increase capacity of the

          The proposal which is expected to be
          discussed during the spring meetings   Political crisis, as Tshisekedi
          of  the  IMF/  World  Bank  in  2021
          requires votes – at least 85 per cent –
          by IMF member states. Africa’s current   and Kabila fall out
          shareholding of the IMF is about seven
          Of particular importance is a decision by
          the United States, the largest shareholder
          of the IMF with 16.51 percent of the
          votes. Under the Trump administration,
          the  US  made  reservations  delaying  the
          Now, with the exit of President Donald
          Trump, there is optimism that the Biden
          administration may give a new lease on
          life to countries currently choking on
          debt that is complicating efforts to deal
          with the pandemic.
          Despite ongoing efforts under the G-20’s
          Debt Service Suspension Initiative
          (DSSI), which is targeting to raise $26
          billion in 2020/2021, progress has been
          slow with approximately $4 billion   President, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo of DRC
          raised, according to the AU special   resident of the Democratic Republic   Kabila’s political platform, the Front
          envoy.                            Pof Congo (DRC) December 6,        Commun pour le Congo (FCC) has
          With Zambia’s recent default on debt   announced the dissolution of the   350  MPs,  whereas  the  Cap  pour  le
          repayment and  global  concern  over   National Assembly, so far held by the   Changement (CACH) coalition - which
          pandemic-related economic impacts, the   camp of former President Joseph Kabila.  is made up of Tshisekedi’s Union pour
                                            “I have decided to appoint an informer to
          G20 meeting in Riyadh wrapped up in   identify a new parliamentary majority as   la Démocratie et le Progrès Social and
          December, with a commitment through   the current one has collapsed,” President   Vital Kamerhe’s Union National pour le
                                                                               Congo - has just 46 seats.
          June for the Debt Service Suspension   Felix Tshisekedi said in a message to the   The fight now seems to target the control
          Initiative (DSSI) to allow developing   nation, after more than two weeks of   of  the  possible  outcome  of  elections,
          nations to defer debt payments.   political consultations at the presidential   the main battlegrounds being the
          Some 46 of the world’s poorest countries   palace.                   constitutional court and the independent
          have taken advantage of debt suspension,   He  said the  coalition  with  the Kabila   electoral commission.
                                            camp “did not allow me to set up what I
          says  the  International  Monetary  Fund,   was elected for.”        It is not a great surprise then that
          with the G20 declaration confirming a   Tshisekedi came to power in January   Tshisekedi’s decision to appoint three
          total US$5.7 billion of 2020 debt service   2019 and signed a secret coalition   new judges to the constitutional court
          deferral so far.  The IMF has warned of   agreement with his predecessor Kabila,   has been the tipping point in the
                                                                               relationship, which now appears on the
          a finance gap for African nations alone   who kept the majority in parliament.  brink of a very acrimonious divorce.
          that’s estimated at $345 billion through   The pro-Kabila Common Front for the   The constitutional court has been an
          2023.                             Congo (FCC) had earlier said it would   important ally of Kabila’s for many years.
                                            hang on to its secret deal with the
          The  agreement marks  a  major  step  for   president.               The FCC is pushing back hard. In the last
          China; a top creditor to poor countries   Tshisekedi said: “It is necessary to put   few weeks, Kabila has written to the heads
          that officials say has resisted attempts to   an end to the coalition agreement ... and   of the African Union and the United
          write off debts.                  dissolve the National Assembly.”   Nations, and has dispatched his loyalists
          Over the past two decades, China has   The political crisis in the DRC   to South Africa, Egypt and Kenya,
                                                                               among other countries, in an attempt to
                                            between the two allies worsened when
          financed projects in developing nations,   Tshisekedi appointed new judges to the   convince foreign governments that what
          including  as  part  of  its  Belt  and  Road   Constitutional Court last July and made   Tshisekedi is doing is a violation of their
          Initiative to build infrastructure to   new appointments in the army and the   political agreement and goes beyond the
          further expand trade.             judiciary.                         bounds of his presidential powers.

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