Page 31 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 31

Country Profile


          FACTS FILE                         President: Muse Bihi Abdi

          Capital: Hargeisa (independence not
          recognized internationally)       The   local  government  maintains  1897. Historically, Somaliland achieved
          •  Population 3.5 million         informal ties with number foreign   its  full  independence  from  the  United
          •  Urban population 1-6 million   governments, who have sent delegations   Kingdom on 26 June 1960, becoming
          •  Major languages Somali, Arabic,   to Hargeisa.  Among them is Ethiopia   the 15th African Country to do so. It
          •  Major religion Islam           that maintains a trade office in the   however, voluntarily entered a union
                                                                               with Somalia in July 1960.
          •  Currency Somaliland shilling
          •  Life expectancy: not available   Kenya, whose relationship with Somalia   Following a civil war and the collapse
                                            is strained recently committed to   of Somalia, it withdrew from the union
            omaliland is a self - declared   sending a delegation to Hargeisa and   and reclaimed its independence on 18
         Sindependent     state  that   is  Somaliland doing same in Nairobi.   May 1991.
          internationally  recognized  as  an  Although Somaliland’s self-proclaimed   Since declaring its independence in
          autonomous region of Somalia. The   independence remains unrecognized   1991, Somaliland has overcome a legacy
          government of Somaliland regards   by  any country or international   of conflict and civil war to secure peace
          itself as the successor state to the British   organization. It is a member of the   and stability within its borders. It is
          Somaliland protectorate, which became   Unrepresented Nations and Peoples   a thriving democratic society with a
          independent on 26 June 1960 as the State   Organization, whose members consist   multi-party system.
          of Somaliland, before uniting with the   of indigenous peoples, minorities, and   In 2001, 10 years after breaking away
          Trust Territory of Somalia (the former   unrecognized or occupied territories.  from Somalia, the government held
          Italian Somaliland) on 1 July 1960 to   Muse Bihi Abdi was elected president   a referendum that year, the results of
          form the Somali Republic.         in November 2017, succeeding Ahmed   which clearly showed that Somaliland’s
          Somaliland is bordered by Ethiopia   Silanyo.                        inhabitants supported the region’s claim
          in the south and west, Djibouti in the   Mr Bihi has served as chairman of the   of independence.
          northwest, the Gulf of Aden in the north,   ruling Kulmiye party since its founder   The country holds regular elections
          and the autonomous Puntland region of   and leader, Silanyo, was elected president   and has witnessed multiple peaceful
          Somalia to the east.              in 2010.                           transfers of power. Its bicameral
          In 1988, the Siad Barre regime launched                              Parliament    successfully  blends
          a clampdown against the Hargeisa-based   A retired air force pilot, Bihi’s only   traditional and modern forms of
          Somali National Movement (SNM) and   previous government post was as interior   authority and representation. Its citizens
          other rebel outfits, which were among   minister of Somaliland in the 1990s.   have taken part in five rounds of
          the events that led to the Somali Civil   The Republic of Somaliland is considers   peaceful and internationally-observed
          War.                              itself  functionally as  a sovereign,   multi-party elections at the presidential,
          The conflict left the economic and military   democratic State in the Horn of Africa,   parliamentary  and  local  levels.
          infrastructure severely damaged. After   sharing its borders with Djibouti to the   International monitors have witnessed
          the collapse of the central government   West, Ethiopia to the South, Somalia   all of Somaliland’s elections since 2003
          in 1991, the local government, led by   to the East and the Gulf of Aden to the   and pronounced them free and fair.
          the SNM, declared independence from   North.
          the rest of Somalia on 18 May of the   Somaliland has a coastline of 850,800   Since 1991, Somaliland has lobbied the
          same year. Since then, the territory has   km. It encompasses the territory of the   international community to accept the
          been governed by an administration that   former British Protectorate of Somaliland   de facto independence it has enjoyed for
          seeks self-determination as the Republic   whose  borders  were  established  by   the last 25 years.
          of Somaliland.                    international treaties between 1888 and   Efforts by the governments of Somaliland

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