Page 33 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 33

Union and its predecessor that colonial-  Mohamed  Abdullahi  Mohamed(
                                            era borders should be maintained. Some   Farmajo) still pushing to renew unity
                                            analysts also note that Somalilanders are   talks, which stalled in 2015. However,
                                            predominantly from the Isaaq clan, and   Somaliland remains steadfast in  its
                                            thus  ethnically  distinctive from  other   ambitions. Foreign Minister Saad Ali
                                            Somalis.                           Shire says that while Somaliland is
                                            “From the Somalilanders’ perspective,   open to collaborating with Somalia on
                                            they  have  a completely  reasonable   issues such as counterterrorism and
                                            argument,” says Bronwyn Bruton,    food security, the two must agree to
                                            deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s   “recognize each other as independent
                                            Africa center. “Somaliland is trying to   African states.”
                                            break off from Somalia, which hasn’t   International mediators hope dialogue
                                            been a functioning country in decades.”  will soon begin. The United Nations’
                                            The country’s weak economy and limited   top envoy to Somalia, Michael Keating,
                                            opportunities for  foreign trade  and   says  the  time  is  right  for  fresh  talks
                                            investment have stifled the government’s   given leadership changes on both sides.
                                            capacity  to  provide  services  to  its   “Both  Farmajo  and  Bihi  are  up  for
                                            approximately four million residents.   it,” Keating told the media in a recent
                                            Somaliland has  a  gross domestic   op-ed. Negotiations could focus on
                                            product (GDP) of about $2 billion,   common concerns, such as drought and
                                            most of which it receives in remittances   environmental degradation, security
                                            from Somalilanders working abroad. Its   and maritime issues, and airspace
                                            main export is livestock, which it ships   management, said Keating.
                                            to  neighboring  Djibouti and Ethiopia,   Many countries have encouraged
                                            as well as to Gulf States, such as Saudi   the breakaway state’s elections and
                                            Arabia and Oman. Its GDP per capita,   economic development, but none have
                                            in the hundreds of dollars, is one of the   recognized Somaliland. Some experts
                                            lowest in the world.               say the African Union would have to be
                                            The government is ineligible for   the first to do so.
                                            loans from the World Bank and the   The bloc, however, fears that formal
                                            International Monetary Fund since it   recognition would embolden other
                                            is not an internationally recognized   secessionist movements on the continent,
          Map showing horn of Africa        state. President Muse Bihi Abdi, in an   such as Nigeria’s Biafra or Morocco’s
                                            op-ed after his November 2017 election   Western Sahara, to demand the same.
                                            victory, said that Somaliland’s exclusion   Since the creation of a continental bloc
          rate of 1.3 per cent; 55 per cent of the   from international markets “compounds   in 1963, there have only been two widely
          3.5 million populations have either a   the socioeconomic pressures that   recognized border changes in Africa:
          nomadic or semi-nomadic existence,   Somaliland faces,”              Eritrea’s split from Ethiopia in 1993 and
          with  the  remainder  living  in  urban                              South Sudan’s independence in 2011.
          centres or rural towns. Average life   Mogadishu rejects Somaliland’s claims
          expectancy  for women is  55  years;  50   to independence, with Somali President   What is Somaliland’s strategic
          years for men.
          While Somaliland is among the poorest
          countries in the world, it has proven
          reserves of oil and natural gas. Concerns
          about the potential political volatility,
          combined with uncertainties around the
          country’s unrecognized statehood and
          the protection that can be given, most
          major international energy companies
          remain hesitant to embark on any big
          investment project in Somaliland.
          The Somaliland government asserts
          that it meets most of the requirements
          of a sovereign democratic state: it holds
          free and fair elections, has its own
          currency and security forces, and issues
          its  own  passports.  It  also  says  that  its
          independence claim is consistent with
          a longstanding norm of the African   President Uhuru Kenyatta receives Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi at State
                                             House, Nairobi on December 14, 2020.

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