Page 36 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 36

and this latest vote certainly helps. What it   is expected to expand to more than $34
          means is that proponents still have much   billion  by  2025,  according  to  industry
          work to do to improve international   reports.
          access  to medical  marijuana,  although   But aside from the financial boon it
          the  recent developments  suggest  the   could provide not just for  the American
          movement is gaining steam.        and European marijuana markets, but
          It is important to note that the   globally downgrading the  dangers  of
          reclassification  by  the  UN  agency  is   cannabis may have the biggest impact on
          coming at a time many countries across   countries that  have  more conservative
          the world are relaxing the criminalization   policies, such as many Caribbean. Asian
          of marijuana, particularly for medical   and Africa nations.
          use and to benefit from the every   “Something like this does not mean
          growing and huge global demand.   that legalization is just going to happen
          In January, for instance, Uganda’s health   around the world,” Ms. Steinberg said.
          ministry issued guidelines for the   But “it could be a watershed moment.”
          cultivation of marijuana for medical   The 53 Member States of the CND, the
          purposes,  bringing  the  country  in  line   UN’s central drug policy-making body,
          with  other African nations including   voted to remove cannabis from that
          Zambia, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe that are   Schedule – where it had been placed
          easing restrictions on growing medical   for 59 years –  and to which the strictest
          marijuana.                        control measures apply, that generally
          Earlier this year, Thailand, which has   discouraged its use for medical purposes.
          had harsh drug  penalties, became   With a vote of 27 in favour, 25 against,
          the first Southeast Asian country to   and one abstention, the CND has opened
          legalize the use of medical marijuana for   the door to recognizing the medicinal
          patients. And in late November, the Thai   and therapeutic potential of the drug,   After voting, some countries made
          government announced plans  to allow   although  its  use  for  non-medical  and   statements on their stances.   Ecuador
          the  use  of  cannabis  —  minus  its  most   non-scientific purposes will continue to   supported  all  of  WHO’s
          addictive elements, like the flowers — in   remain illegal. The decision could drive   recommendations and urged that
                                                                               cannabis production, sale and use, have
          cosmetics and cooking.            additional scientific research into the   “a regulatory framework that guarantees
          On November 26, the Mexican Senate   plant’s medicinal properties    good practices, quality, innovation and
          overwhelmingly voted to legalize   Back in January 2019, WHO unveiled   research development”.
          marijuana,  and  Canada  legalized  six   recommendations surrounding  the   Voting  against,  Chile  argued, among
          marijuana back in 2018. The US has not   listing of cannabis in international drug   other things, that “there is a direct
          federally legalized marijuana, but four   control treaties. While the proposals
          more states voted to legalize it in the   were presented for decision by the   relationship between the use of cannabis
                                                                               and increased chances of suffering from
          2020 election, bringing the total to 15.  CND at its March 2019 session, many
          Last year, nn December, the US House of   countries requested more time to study   depression, cognitive deficit, anxiety,
          Representatives  took  up the  Marijuana   the matter and define their positions,   psychotic symptoms, among others”
          Opportunities,  Reinvestment,  and  according to news reports.  Therefore,   while Japan stated that the non-medical
          Expungement (MORE) Act which will be   the vote followed two years of intensive   use of the plant “might give rise to
          the first time federal decriminalization   and detailed consideration.  negative health and social impacts,
          of marijuana has been considered   Among WHO’s recommendations, it was   especially among youth”.
          by either chamber of Congress. If it   suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) with   Experts  say that  the  vote will  have
          passes, the bill, sponsored by Vice   2 percent or less Tetrahydrocannabinol   no immediate impact on loosening
          President-elect Kamala Harris, will also   (THC, the addictive substance) should   international  controls  because
          expunge marijuana convictions, which   not be subject to international controls.  governments will still have jurisdiction
          have long disproportionately plagued   Member  States  rejected  that  over how to classify cannabis. But many
          communities of color.             recommendation for a variety of    countries look to global conventions
          The overhaul of cannabis policy,   reasons, including some Member States   for guidance, and United Nations
          particularly around legalization for   arguing that CBD is not currently under   recognition is a symbolic win for
          medical use, has moved at a rapid pace   international control and there was, thus,   advocates of drug policy change who say
          over the last few years, said Jessica   no need for action.  CBD has taken on a   that international law is out of date.
          Steinberg, managing director at the   prominent role in wellness therapies in   Marijuana for medical use has exploded
          Global C, an international cannabis   recent years, and sparked a billion-dollar   in recent years and products containing
          consulting group. Industry insiders   industry.                      cannabis derivatives like cannabidiol
          have expressed hope that the vote will   Currently, more than 50 countries   or  CBD, a  nonintoxicating  compound,
          open the field for more research into the   have adopted medicinal cannabis   have flooded the wellness industry.
          therapeutic benefits of the drug.  programmes while Canada, Uruguay   Cowen,  an investment  and  financial
          In the United States, where more   and 15 US states have legalized its   services company, estimates that the
          states  legalized the use  of medical  and   recreational use, with Mexico and   CBD industry in the United States will
          recreational marijuana in the recent   Luxembourg having political debates as   be worth $16 billion by 2025.
          election, the market for both of those   to whether to follow that path.  The reclassification passed 27 to 25, with

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