Page 34 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 34

          Somaliland is positioned along the Gulf
          of Aden near the entrance to the Bab
          al-Mandeb, a major sea-lane through
          which almost one-third of the world’s
          shipping passesIts location has helped
          the government attract new trade and
          development deals. For instance, in
          late 2016, a Dubai firm announced that
          it would invest nearly $450 million to
          mange and upgrade the port of Berbera
          and develop a corridor running from
          there to the Ethiopian border. Ethiopia
          is reportedly negotiating a share in the
          The Horn of Africa has also attracted
          security-related investments in recent
          years. Djibouti has became hub for
          foreign military bases; China, France,
          Italy, Japan, and the United States all   City of Hargesa
          have facilities in the country. Somaliland
          has followed suit, signing an agreement   reach stackers to handle containers and   Berbera master plan, which DP World
          with the United Arab Emirates in early   cargo. In a public document on Berbera   has started implementing, while adding
          2017 to build a military base at Berbera.  port, DP World states that the Berbera   new equipment to further improve
          Foreign investment in Berbera port:   port construction is a breakthrough for   efficiencies and productivity of the port.
          DP World                          Ethiopia, as it gives the region’s largest   Bashe Omar, who now the Somaliland
          Berbera is the main official seaport of   landlocked economy access to the sea.  envoy to Kenya, and who played a key role
          Somaliland, which made it a strategic   Another  proposed  advantage  of  in the negotiations to bring DP World to
          town historically attractive to world   investment is that the agreement   Somaliland, says, Bashe: “Somaliland is
          powers dating from the Ottoman Empire.   between DP World and Somaliland   slowly gaining international economic
          Berbera hosts several key infrastructures   improves accountability. Since the 1990s,   recognition with the  developments  at
          including Berbera cement factory,   a  portion  of  Berbera  revenues  went   the Port of Berbera. From this, the world
                                            directly to the President’s office without
          Berbera oil reservoirs and one of the   going through responsible authorities.   will  not have any other  option but to
          longest  airport runways  in  Africa.  It  is   One development practitioner we   grant us political recognition.”
          an area with concentrated resources,   interviewed  argued  that  DP World’s
          which are thus easy to cultivate but also   presence would improve this situation:   “The port will have access to the
          contested. Berbera port remains the   DP World’s port investment has   maritime highways that connect Europe,
          principal source of revenue for the state,   challenged  the  delicate  balance  Asia, the Middle East and Africa – firmly
          accounting for over 70 per cent of state   between a range of formal and informal   establishing the semi-autonomous State
          revenues.                         stakeholders in Somaliland’s post-war   as a gateway to East Africa,” adds Omar.
          Berbera has been the centre of a series   hybrid governance and may potentially   Meanwhile, Kenya has firmed deals
          of recent business-related conflicts in   improve  the  country’s  economic  with Somaliland just hours after Somalia
          Somaliland. In 2012, the Somaliland   stagnation, which has been rejoiced by   severed relations with Nairobi  and
          government privatized the Berbera   many Somalilanders               gave diplomats seven days to leave the
          cement factory. Local clan elders,   On 1 March 2018, Ethiopia became   country.
          religious  leaders,  politicians  and  a  major  shareholder  following  an   Somaliland’s  President Muse  Bihi  is
          businessmen resisted after it emerged   agreement with DP World and the   visiting Kenya and has held talks with
          that the government had given more   Somaliland Port Authority. DP World   President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House
          than a 51 per cent share to Dahabshil   holds a 51% stake in the project,   Nairobi.
          Company, owned by a businessman   Somaliland 30% and Ethiopia the
          from the clan of the president.   remaining 19%.                     The two leaders sent a joint communiqué
          DP World, UAE’s leading global port   As part of the agreement, the government   to the press on Tuesday evening,
          operator, secured a 30-year concession   of Ethiopia will invest in infrastructure   reaffirming  their  drive  see  the  new
          for the port of Berbera in 2016. In   to develop the Berbera Corridor as a   envisaged cooperation blossom. They
          the agreement, DP World pledges   trade gateway for the inland country,   stated that Kenya and Somaliland share
          investments of US$ 442 million which   which  is  one  of  the  fastest  growing   fundamental tenets of socio-economic
          include the construction of a 400 metre   countries in the world. There are also   development, which they are committed
          quay extension and 250,000 square   plans to construct an additional berth   to harnessing for the interest of the
          metre yard extensions, gantry cranes and   at the Port of Berbera, in line with the   people.

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