Page 30 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 30



          UK-EU Deal

          at last

             fter  months  of  negotiations,  the
         AUK and European Union finally
         agreed a deal that will define their future
         relationship. British Prime Minister   British Prime Minister Boris Johnson with European Commission President
         Boris Johnson declared that his trade   Ursula von der Leyen
         deal with the European Union  was done,   But the U.K. wanted something in   security standards required to export
         while the bloc got to keep close ties with   return, mainly the fishing rights in   live animals and animal products to the
         one of the world’s biggest economies.  British waters. As talks focused in on the   EU.

         Last-minute haggling over fish stocks in   issue of fishing rights, British negotiators   Moving  goods  will  also  be  eased by
         the draft meant that an announcement   were taken aback that the EU wasn’t   keeping access for transport by road and
         didn’t come until the afternoon of   budging as much as it thought.   by air unlimited and there are detailed
         Christmas Eve.  The situation  became   In the end, Johnson accepted a reduction   commitments on how to allocate the
         more  frantic because  of disagreements   of 25 per cent on fishing, with a five-  handling of air freight and passenger
         over how the figures had been calculated.  and-a-half-year transition period. That   rights.

         A Free trade agreement, this is what the   means that he can say that in June   There’s also a chapter on how the
         EU and the UK have now agreed - a deal   2026, on the 10th anniversary of the   EU  and  U.K.  will  tackle  regulatory
         between countries that encourages trade   EU referendum, the U.K. will have full   barriers, building on the World Trade
         by getting rid of barriers like taxes  on   control of its waters.    Organization trade in technical barriers
         goods.                             The pact allows for tariffs and quota-  agreement in areas like labeling and
                                            free trade in goods, provided they meet   the testing, inspection and certification
         The absence of which, WTO rules would   so-called rules of origin that determine   of products before they are allowed on
         apply, meaning, that if countries don’t   how much content in a product must   the  market. There  are sector-specific
         have  free  trade  agreements  in  place,   be derived from a nation bound by   annexes on the automotive, chemical,
         they must trade according to rules set   the  agreement. But  these  can  be  self-  pharmaceutical, organic produce and
         by a global body called the World Trade   certified, a boon for business that makes   wine sectors, the U.K. said.
         Organization (WTO), which can mean   it easier to comply with the rules and
         taxes on goods.                    therefore benefit from the deal.   The chapter allows the two sides
         It was always likely to come down to fish,   The agreement enables both the EU   to “regulate goods in the way most
                                                                               appropriate for  their  own  market,”
         and even the final hours were occupied   and  U.K.  to  set  their  own  rules  on   according  to  U.K. negotiators,  but
         by cod and mackerel.               geographical indications, rules designed   anticipates that the two sides will share
         Compromises were found on one of the   to protect the quality and reputation   information on “dangerous and non-
         longstanding sticking points: the level   of foodstuffs produced in a particular   compliant products.”
         playing field for fair competition, or rules   region. A review mechanism in the   “We have also today resolved a question
         to ensure neither side held a post-Brexit   agreement means the two sides can   that has bedeviled our politics for
         advantage for companies. The U.K. knew   choose to coordinate on rules at a later   decades and it is up to us all together as
         a deal was attainable if it backed down   date.                       a newly and truly independent nation to
         on some of its objections to the EU being   In a separate agreement, the EU granted   realize the immensity of this moment
         able to impose tariffs if Britain doesn’t   the  U.K.  so-called third-country  and to make the most of it,” Johnson said
         follow the bloc’s toughening of labor,   listing, confirming the U.K. has met   at a Downing Street press conference
         social and environmental standards.  the  necessary  animal  health  and  bio-  shortly after the deal was struck.

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