Page 29 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 29


                 Joe Biden brings
               hope and heightened
               expectations globally
                  - from the Iran
                Nuclear deal, where
                there was change in
                    U.S. policy.
                                            Joe Biden, US, President-Elect and merged China and US flag
          US: Joe Biden inauguration, the transition,

          the expectations and China

             he inauguration of Joe Biden as the   be pulling out of the Trans-Pacific   settlements strangling humanitarian aid
         T46th president of the United States,   Partnership (TPP), a trade agreement   to the Palestinians..
          Jan, 20th, will mark the commencement   between 12 Pacific Rim countries that   With President-elect Joe Biden, it’s likely
          of the four-year term of Joe Biden as   took  seven  years  to  negotiate  and  was   the U.S. foreign policy establishment will
          president and Kamala Harris as Vice   signed by then-President Barack Obama   seek a return to the Obama-era modus
          president. But beyond that, it marks a   in  his  second  term.  Its  goals  were  to   operandi: an emphasis on two states
          ground shaking transition that will see   boost exports, remove tariffs and non-  and maintaining the illusion of being an
          President Donald Trump’s leave office as   tariff barriers, and open access to more   honest broker, even if in practice Israel
          a one-term PROTUS, with his nationalist   markets.                   is favored.
          and disruptive policies dumped.   It was a turn toward protectionist   President Donald Trump ran for office
          Joe Biden brings hope and heightened   measures. By abandoning a deal that   pledging to rewrite the U.S. economic
          expectations globally—from the Iran   would give American companies an   relationship with China, which he
          Nuclear deal, where there was change   opportunity to seek cheap labor abroad;   blamed for hollowing out America’s
          in U.S. policy: Trump called for other   Trump  signaled  that his  priority is  to   manufacturing base and impoverishing
          world powers to abandon the nuclear   reduce the number of jobs leaving the   its workers. His four years in the White
          accord, which was barely surviving   country.                        House have shown limited impact on the
          after he withdrew the U.S. in 2018 and   In  a  memorandum  announcing  metrics he laid out.
                                                                               American companies cite much the
          Iran has unraveled its cooperation since   the move, Trump favored bilateral   same concerns -- and the same growth
          2019—leading to renewed tension in the   negations and said they were to be   objectives -- with regard to China
          gulf.                             pursued whenever possible to “promote   today as they did when Trump took
          Then there is the issue of climate change   American industry, protect American   office. The unprecedented trade war he
          and the Paris Accord. Donald Trump   workers, and raise American wages.”  launched, breaking Republican free-
          has pulled the United States out of the   Trump said the deal “punishes the   trade orthodoxy along the way, ended
          Paris Agreement - an international   United States,” which he claimed was   up  costing  American  factory  jobs,  not
          treaty adopted by nearly 200 countries   the  world leader  in  environmental   creating them, economists say
          to limit the impacts of one of the biggest   protection, without imposing any   Wang,  China’s  state  councillor and
          threats to people and nature of our time   “meaningful obligations” on the world’s   foreign minister, said in an interview
          - climate change. It is expected that Joe   leading polluters.       with Xinhua news agency and other
          Biden will reverse the decision and have   Historically, the U.S. has ranked as one   state  media  outlets  that  recent  U.S.
          US re-join the Paris Accord.      of the worst emitters of carbon dioxide,   policies towards China had harmed the
          President Donald Trump campaigned   but it’s been noted as recently as this   interests of both countries and brought
          on deals. Making deals — like an   year that its contribution to CO2 levels   huge dangers to the world.
          Israel-Palestine peace accord. And   globally has been on the decline.    His  recent  barbs  at  China
          breaking deals — like the Trans-Pacific   Trump suddenly dropped objections   notwithstanding, Joe Biden’s presidency
          Partnership and the Iran Deal, both of   long held by bipartisan U.S. presidential   is widely expected to improve relations
          which he labeled disasters.       administrations   over    decades.  between Washington and Beijing, after
          Just days after assuming office, Trump   Establishing a U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem,   four years of escalating tensions under
          delivered on a campaign promise   amid Israel’s annexing of the disputed   the administration of Donald Trump’s
          and announced that the U.S. would   Golan Heights, ramping up illegal   administration.

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