Page 25 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 25

Around Africa

           AfCFTA, a

           long way

           to a single

           market                           A woman outside the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area
                                            (AfCFTA), in Accra, Ghana

             outed as the  world’s largest  single   lift 30 million Africans out of extreme   development through diversification
         Tmarket in terms of the number of   poverty and 70 million from moderate   and regional value chain development,
          member nations, Africa’s ambitious   poverty, according to World Bank   and  foster  sustainable  socio-
          blueprint for free trade kicks into gear   estimates.                economic development and structural
          on January 1, bringing together more   Integrating over 50 markets that are at   transformation.
          than 50 economies from Algeria to   very different levels of development will   At the 13  Extra-Ordinary Session of
          South Africa.                     be daunting task, particularly with mny   the Assembly of the Union (AU) held
          The  African  Continental  Free  Trade   countries still favouring protectionism.   on December 5, under the chairmanship
          Area (AfCFTA) was supposed to become   There is still a significant amount of   of President Cyril Ramaphosa of South
          technically operational in July, 2020, but   negotiations that have to occur, as trade   Africa, stressed the need to quickly
          the launch was delayed by complications   negotiations are incredibly complex   operationalize trading under AfCFTA
          blamed on the coronavirus pandemic   because every individual tariff line needs   to break the dominance of South Africa,
          and the slow pace of negotiations.  to be negotiated and agreed upon.  Egypt and Nigeria that control 50 per
          A brainchild of the African Union,   Another problem is that the relationship   cent of the African market.
          as of 1 December 2020, 54 of the 55   between  the AfCFTA  and many  of  the   African  countries  could  rake  in  $20
          AU  Member  States  had  signed  the   existing eight regional blocs, which exist,   billion yearly by simply tackling non-
          Agreement, and 33 had deposited   some complete with a customs union.  tariff barriers that slow the movement of
          instruments of ratification.      Other issues to be thrashed out are   goods, according to the UN Conference
          Africa’s 1.2 billion people and combined   how to dovetail existing or future trade   on Trade and Development, the UN
          market worth of $2.5 trillion represents   agreements between Africa or individual   entity that deals with trade investment
          enormous  potential  for  traders,  African countries with Europe, China   and development issues.
          exporters  and  businesses involved  or   and the United States.
          interested in cross-border trade.   Non-tariff and political barriers could   The  World Economic  Forum  signals
          The AfCFTA is an AU Agenda 2063   prove tricky. Kenya for instance has   that AfCFTA’s full and effective
          flagship initiative established to create   already entered into a post BREXIT   implementation is what will lead to its
          an integrated continental market for   trade  deal  with UK,  and  other  EAC   transformative impacts, meaning that
          goods and services and to support   countries are expected to follow.  its  touted  benefits  are  by  no  means
          the movement of capital and natural   Wamkele Mene, AfCFTA’s secretary   guaranteed.
          persons. This market will be actualized   general, has said Africa “continues to be   Experts observe that AfCFTA could
          through the progressive elimination of   trapped in a colonial economic model”   for part of the solution to Africa’s
          tariffs and removal of non-tariff barriers.  and has to “aggressively” implement the   post COVID-19 pandemic economic
          Internal trade within the continent of   new deal.                   recovery, with hope that the teething
          1.2 billion people currently stands at   Africa accounts for only three percent   problems that arise will be tackled and
          a meagre 16 percent, while 65 percent   of the global economy, parceled into   that AfCFTA will be a shot in the arm for
          of their commerce is with European   55 different economies, which a huge   Africa’s development.
          countries.                        inhibitor to rapid continental economic   Speaking from the headquarters of the
          AfCFTA’s plan is to boost intra-  growth.                            AfCFTA Secretariat in Accra, Ghana,
          African trade by 60 percent by 2034 by   With commencement having taken   the  Secretary  General  of AfCFTA,
          eliminating almost all tariffs, creating an   effect on January 2021, the AfCFTA is   Wamkele Mene stressed that integrating
          economic bloc of $3.4 trillion.   expected that AfCFTA will enhance   55 markets will not be easy but giving up
          If fully implemented, the AfCFTA will   competitiveness, promote industrial   is not an option.

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