Page 32 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 32

The expansion of the Port of Berbera, the building of the road linking the town to the Ethiopian border and the planned construction
          of the multi-million Berbera Economic Free Zone has brought life into the once sleepy city of Somaliland.

         and Somalia to dialogue over their   satisfy all the criteria for statehood in   legislature. There  is  an  independent
         future status and clarifying their future   customary international law. It possesses   judiciary
         relationship, which had started in 2012,   a  permanent  population,  a  defined   ECONOMY
         collapsed in 2015. Attempts to resurrect   territory, a government and the capacity   The official Somaliland currency is the
         the talks, in 2016, proved fruitless.   to enter into relations with other States.   Somaliland shilling (SlSh). It is regulated
         Somaliland continues to assert its   In  2016,  over  a  million  Somalilanders   by the Central Bank of Somaliland which
         sovereignty and  independence to  the   signed a petition supporting the   was constitutionally established in 1994.
         international community, including   country’s  recognition  (Somaliland Sun,   The  most  important  sector  in
         through the UNPO. Somaliland argues   23 August 2016; VOA news, 24 August   Somaliland is livestock production
         that it is not looking for recognition,   2016).                      which is predominately pastoral and
         but rather‘re-recognition’ since it  was   Somaliland is about the size of England   agro-pastoral in Somaliland employing
         granted independence as a British   and Wales with an area of 137,600km²   over 70% of the population. Livestock
         protectorate in 1960, five days before it   (68,000 sq. miles). Somaliland is situated   is  the  major  export  of  Somaliland
         agreed to merge with Somalia.      on the eastern horn of Africa and lies   accompanied by its by-products i.e.
         Somaliland wants the international   between the 08°00′ –  ′30°11 parallel   hides and skins while the country
         community to re-recognize its decision   north of the equator and between   heavily depends on imports of food, fuel
         to end the voluntary union with Somalia,   42°30′  –  ′00°49 meridian east of the   and manufactured products.
         in line with other African precedents   Greenwich. It shares borders with   Livestock production in Somaliland
         and in accordance with the African   Republic of Djibouti to the west, Federal   contributes to 60% of GDP and
         Union (AU)’s principle of “respect[ing]   Republic  of  Ethiopia  to the  south  and   around 85% to foreign export earnings
         the borders existing on achievement   Somalia to  the  east.  Somaliland  has  a   (Somaliland National Development
         of independence” (Charter of the   coastal line to the north of the country,   Plan, 2012 – 2016). Somaliland’s
         Organization of  African  Unity  (OAU),   which extends 460 miles along the Red   agricultural sector accounts for around
         Resolution AHG/Res.16(I), July 1964).   Sea.                          17% of the economy making it the
         The AU Commission sent a fact-     Hargeisa is the capital of Somaliland   second most important sector.
         finding mission to Hargeisa in 2005   with  an  estimated  population  of  0.65   Somaliland’s economy is also heavily
         to investigate the case for Somaliland   million. The other main towns are   dependent on remittances sent by the
         becoming a member, and therefore being   Burao,  Borama, Berbera,  Erigabo and   global Diaspora which equates to around
         recognized  as  a  State.  The  delegation   Las Anod.                $1 billion per annum.
         then recommended that Somaliland be   POLITICAL SYSTEM
         treated as a special case. But in 2007, the   The  country  has  a  republican  form  of   It has its own functioning political
         AU accepted the argument put forward   government. The legislative assembly   and governance system and structures
         by the Transitional Federal Government   is  composed of  two  chambers –  an   of state, judiciary (though Sharia
         of  Somalia  that  the  time  was  not  ripe.   elected elder’s chamber, and a house of   law applies in some rural areas), law
         The AU has not looked at the matter   representatives. An elected President   enforcement, a police force and an army.
         since.                             and an elected Vice-president head the   It has its own currency though the US
         Whilst  Somaliland remains  a  ‘State-in-  government. The President nominates   dollar has supremacy.
         waiting’, it nevertheless continues to   the cabinet which is approved by the   It has an estimated population growth

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