Page 37 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 37

for treating pain and inflammation
                                                                               and possibly even soothing mental
                                                                               illness and addictions. The global legal
                                                                               cannabis market could be worth $272bn
                                                                               by 2028, according to the 2018 European
                                                                               Consumer Staples Report from Barclays.
                                                                               South  Africa,  Zimbabwe  and Lesotho
                                                                               are  the exceptions,  having legalized
                                                                               cultivation of medical marijuana.
                                                                               Their governments are also continuing
                                                                               efforts to unlock the potential of their
                                                                               cannabis markets by laying the legal
                                                                               and regulatory groundwork for the sale,
                                                                               transport, manufacture, processing and
                                                                               export of a range of marijuana products.
                                                                               In Uganda, where use is punishable
                                                                               with up to five years in prison, laws
                                                                               regulating the industry are being drawn
                                                                               up as around 20 companies wait on
                                                                               the  sidelines  for  growing  licences,  the
                                                                               Ugandan Ministry of Health said in
                                                                               As the continent works to unlock its
          Silhouette of a man with marijuana leaf in the evening sun           potential, Keenan says the winners will
          an abstention from Ukraine. The United   government is the latest African country   be those who consolidate market share
          States and European nations were among   to claim a stake in the lucrative business   by setting up infrastructure at every
          those who voted in favor, while the likes   and generate revenue. It has landed deals   stage in the supply chain – a process that
          of China, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and   to  export  medical  marijuana  products   looks well suited to established global
          Russia were opposed.              to Canada and Germany to the tune of   players.
          China’s delegate said that, despite the   US$160 million in June this year.  As in beer, the people who are making
          United Nations move, the country would   The African Cannabis Report shows that   the  big  money  aren’t  those  who are
          strictly control cannabis “to protect from   the African legal cannabis market could   owning the hop farms, it’s those owning
          the harm and abuse.”              top US$7,1 billion by 2023 if key markets   the data, the supply chain and the brand.
          The African cannabis market is estimated   legalize  medical  and  recreational  “Cannabis companies are already
          to reach $7.1 billion by 2023. The East   cannabis. Lesotho, as a regional first-  reworking their sales models, gathering
          African Community could become a   mover,  is  set  to  play a  crucial  role  in   data, building an infrastructure to
          mass producer of medical cannabis for   servicing and supplying the African   supply nations in a safe and reliable way.
          export to fast-growing markets in the   market.                      African businesses playing catch-up in a
          West.                             Cannabis has been employed in      global cannabis market, it makes sense
          This  is  after  Rwanda  on  October  12   traditional African herbal medicine   and it is necessary governments in Africa
          became the latest EAC partner state to   since time immemorial. Today, much of   develop a framework to ensure that states
          approve medical cannabis production   the world is playing catch-up.   support encourage local producers and
          for export, following closely in the   The multi-billion dollar global cannabis   processors  for  the  continent  to  benefit
          footsteps of Uganda.              industry is booming as companies   from the opportunities deriving from
          Tanzania and Kenya, which produce   cite the benefits of medical marijuana   the new global developments.
          the largest amounts of cannabis in the
          region, are yet to legalise the commodity
          and so it is exported illegally.
          Rwanda government officials said the
          decision to legalise the export of medical
          marijuana was based on the revenue
          potential for the country.
          African governments are considering
          ways of tapping into the lucrative
          marijuana market. According to a
          UN survey, more than 10 000 tons of
          cannabis are produced on the continent
          each year, which could be worth billions
          of dollars in a rapidly expanding global
          market for legal cannabis.
          It  is still  illegal to  use  marijuana
          recreationally in Uganda but the   More research needed on cannabis for therapeutic use

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