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          Among the „smart PR“ I  chose an activity  1997, it has been competing in the elite cate-
        completely different from standard adverti-  gory, i.e., „adult“ sommelier. A year later, a juni-
        sing and PR activities - the Trophée Bohemia  or competition was started for pupils of gast-
        Sekt Sommelier Competition.              ronomy and wine schools up to the age of 21.
          Bohemia Sekt is one of the most important   In the non-public part of the elite category,
        producers of sparkling wines and still wines  there are about 20 participants, four of whom
        in Central and Eastern Europe. Since 1999, it  continue to the podium finals in the evening.
        has been part of the Henkell Freixenet Group,  In a  public performance they perform the
        currently the world‘s largest producer of  service to celebrities who play guests at a fic-
        sparkling wines, so the Bohemia Sekt sparkling  tional restaurant at a  table on the National
        wines are siblings of Champagne Alfred Grati-  Theatre stage. This final is usually richly attended
        en, Prosecco Mionetto, Cava Freixenet, Hubert  by personalities from gastronomy, culture and
        J.E., Fürst von Metternich, G.H. von Mumm,  especially media photographers and reporters.
        Spumante Angelli or California´s Gloria Ferrer.    The official goal of the competition is to supp-
          The first sparkling wines were made in Sta-  ort quality Czech gastronomy, to present the
        rý Plzenec 75 years ago, and the company  field of sommelier to the public, to develop
        currently sells around 29 million bottles of  and promote this profession. We want to pro-
        sparkling wine, sparkling drinks and still wines.  file the Bohemia Sekt brand and company as
        Bohemia Sekt has long been the most popular  a professional in the field of sparkling and still
        sparkling wine brand in the Czech Republic,  wine production and create a positive image
        with a significant predominance, reaching up  of gastronomy professionals and support
        to 70 percent of the sparkling wine market.  processes leading to ever higher quality gas-
          The Czech National Sommelier Competition  tronomy workers who are in contact with the
        Trophée Bohemia Sekt is considered the offi-  final consumer and offer the company‘s pro-
        cial championship of Czech sommeliers. Since  ducts to consumers.

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