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Is your farming ecological? Do you help to as organic, bio or ecological is rising steeply.
those who are weaker? Are you the engine of Therefore, producers adapt their offers to this
wine life in your wine-growing village? Do you demand or better communicate the ecologi-
support a local folk band? Do you discuss your cal origin of food.
wine with a retirement home? This, of course, also applies in the field of
Let it be known! wine.
These are values that co-create the image of And by far, it is not just about organically
winemaking and can also influence consumer treated vineyards but also about natural and
decisions as well as behavior if properly com- authentic wines, which are the products sou-
municated. ght after by a new generation of consumers -
As a result of the growing general awareness the Millennials.
of the environment and the need to preserve According to a report by the global con-
it, many consumers today demand greater
transparency of the products they buy. They Guelph-Wellington is Canada´s first food smart
prefer those that are „healthy,“ and ecological. community. The Canadian husband and wife team
More consumers want to know where their of Jamie Kapitain and Heather Watt-Kapitain (KAP
products come from, how they were grown Design) created this easy-to-understand infogra-
and made as well as what their potential ingre- phic. This way the community communicates with
dients are. Consumption of products referred stakeholders.