P. 170


        sulting and research firm Kline & Company,   of a natural cork and the recyclability of the
        mapping the market in 2019, the  „natural“   glass…
        trend has been the most important trend in   A friendly relationship with nature is one of
        the personal care sector (hygiene, cosmetics)   the many faces of corporate social responsibili-
        since 2016. As many as 65% of consumers in   ty. It is a voluntarily chosen approach to social,
        the US food and beverage market are willing   environmental and other issues in the perfor-
        to pay extra for a „natural“ product, according   mance of daily work operations and in deci-
        to the Deloitte agency research. Three of the   sion-making. This area includes a wide range
        five crucial purchasing preferences stated by   of activities from employing people with di-
        customers in the same research were „shop lo-  sabilities, to buying and selling fair-trade pro-
        cally“,  „zero-waste“ or a minimum amount of   ducts or recycled / recyclable materials, strict
        recyclable waste and „Mindful eating and drin-  respect for human or minority rights, waste
        king“. Among the first ten motives for choo-  sorting, maintaining ties with former retired
        sing a product, its price was not included at all!  employees, supporting and sponsoring so-
          Do your wines come from pure nature? Tell   cially beneficial or accepted movements and
        it to people! After all, this is exactly what the   activities, charitable foundations, etc.
        famous lizard, tree frog or kingfisher on the   The socially beneficial dimension of the
        bottles of Znovín Znojmo means! It doesn‘t   winery‘s activities is monitored and evalua-
        have to be an organic product according to   ted very sensitively by customers, the media,
        Demeter!                                 authorities, independent creators of public
          Because we do not have such a strict law on   opinion, as well as by its own employees. This
        winemaking as in France, use the information   is, why we consider those activities as a part
        to inform that the wine was born right here,   of public relations.  Well-managed and com-
        in Czech and Moravian vineyards. Tell the cus-  municated projects can be an opportunity to
        tomers it was processed only a few kilometers   improve the impression of the company and
        from the vineyard and it was delivered to the   achieve publicity even at places where the en-
        customer in light recyclable bottles in a consi-  tity would not otherwise penetrate through its
        derate way, in compliance with EURO6 emis-   own activities.
        sion limits. It didn‘t have to cross an ocean or   It can be a way to reach new target groups
        climb the Alps and it left only a tiny carbon fo-  and to differentiate oneself from competitors.
        otprint. Mention the low sulphite content of   It may be part of the true content of the
        the wine, absence of other preservatives, use   brand mentioned by Leoš Bárta.


        The popular claim that wine is a social drink has many levels and meanings. We
        just don‘t notice them at first. For example, that wine is a beverage that helps
        charity. It is its traditional partner worldwide. Yes, we will talk about good deeds,
        charity and sponsorship.

          It has already been said that the main role of   At times, perhaps each of us decides to
        public relations is to build reputation and we  do  a  good deed, even though this concept

        build public relations with everything we do.  may be understood differently from country
        A tree is known by its fruit and a man by his   to country. When it comes to money, we usua-
        deeds, as we know from the Bible.        lly hesitate between donating and sponsoring.
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