P. 174


        The original name VINAŘI JDOU NA DŘEŇ ( dřeň = bone marrow) refers to a Czech idiom that says that
        we do even more than we can, we use our deepest reserves - figuratively speaking, even our own bone
        marrow ... „Call to Arms“ works similarly figuratively - we fight disease and the winemakers are a like
        recruits „called to arms”, while at the same time they expose their „arms“ to the syringe.)

        Wine Producers of the Czech Republic but more   Germany, France and Italy. All over the world.
        importantly, it was also espoused by other wine-  This book will be available worldwide, which is
        makers. As long as it was allowed, one wine city   an amazing opportunity! This is a kind of public
        passed the baton to another and from spring to   relations we really appreciate! Give me a fixed
        autumn we gained several hundred registered   point in space and I will move the whole world!
        donors. However, we know from practice that   We believe that from a small town in Moravia
        statistically only every 120th person registered   we can arouse interest in this topic among wi-
        in the bone marrow donor register becomes an   nemakers in all countries. We would like our ini-
        actual donor. Even so, it is a great result of a vo-  tiative to become a project that brings together
        luntary initiative! Unfortunately, the lockdown   all winemakers and wine lovers around the glo-
        has slowed down the recruitment. It is much   be to fight insidious diseases. The right decision
        more difficult without wine and singing.“  can soon save someone else‘s life. We are happy
                                                 to contribute with our advice and experience!
          ENTER SOMEONE’S LIFE                   This project really saves lives.“
          „Young winemakers are healthy men and wo-
        men who spend a lot of time in the fresh air and   Wine, wine events as well as auctions often
        drink the healthiest drink of all,“ knows Pavel  serve as fundraising. This is an example where
        Lacina well. „This is the case in the Czech Re-  wine is the subject of aid without turning it into
        public, Moravia, Slovakia, as well as in Austria,   money.
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