P. 177
Radek L. Šlancar
economic director and the fourth from the Šlancar family of
winemakers. From the age of five, he participated in the produc-
tion of wine in the family cellar. He is the father of the idea of the
original company bottle and the renaming of the company to
ig Winery.
Ludwig Winery.
Ludwig Winery is not a large company
that could make significant contributi- -
ons to large charitable projects. That‘s s
ife we
why we chose one person whose life we
w her
want to improve. We want to know her
ute to
personally and we want to contribute to
a specific thing.
Martin and Petra Gróf with their
daughters Viktorka and younger
Sabinka live in Němčičky in the
heart of the Blue Mountains. Sa-
binka was born at Christmas as the
most beautiful gift under the tree.
After about half a year, Sabinka‘s and especially rehabilitation have
mother began to notice a strange been and will be necessary. Al-
rolling of her eyes and so a series though the Czech Republic has
of examinations began. Doctors one of the most comprehensive
diagnosed little Sabinka with ce- and accessible health insurance
rebral palsy, psychomotor deve- systems in the world, some abo-
lopment disorder, epilepsy and ve-standard services need to be
hypotension. paid for directly, such as rehabi-
Sabinka is currently almost 12 litation in a support suit, which
years old. However, her develop- helps to develop the functionali-
ment is proceeding only very ty of the musculoskeletal system.
slowly and it is two-thirds that of That‘s why our winery decided to
her age. help Sabinka.
She can’t eat or dress by her- This is how the Sabinka wine
self and her speech is not develo- was created. From several desig-
ping, she does not develop with ns, we chose the most interesting
her speech. She can’t walk, eat or label, compiled a delicious cuvée,
dress by herself - she moves on all bottled it and promised to con-
fours, in a walker or with the sup- tribute 10 CZK from each bottle
port of both her hands being held. sold to Sabinka‘s account. It was
To improve Sabinka‘s health, neu- a dry red cuvée of a distinctive
rological and speech therapy care Frankovka (Lemberger), slightly