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                                                 Cross, who not only explain everything profes-
                                                 sionally but take a  sample of saliva or blood
                                                 and then all it takes for the new „recruit“ is to
                                                 sign the papers. We give them their moment
                                                 of glory, everyone applauds them, the band
                                                 plays a fanfare and the „recruit“ gets a reward.
                                                 In addition to the feeling of making a  good
                                                 deed, they have a nice experience.“
                                                   „That is our goal.“
                                                    „We want to make it as easy as possible for
                                                 people who are considering becoming donors.
                                                 When someone decides to register, they usual-
                                                 ly have to find a hospital, take a vacation from
                                                 work, travel somewhere, pay the parking fee,
                                                 walk through the hospital labyrinth, wait in
                                                 the waiting room, etc.… This is terribly demo-
                                                 tivating. It‘s a good idea to meet those who are
                                                 considering their enrollment halfway „descri-
                                                 bes the founder of the campaign.“
                                                   „The name “VINAŘI JDOU NA  DŘEŇ” is in-
                                                 tended to express that the passion of us wine-
                                                 makers is not only our hard work but also life
                                                 itself and this event can help save it. And the
                                                 winemakers themselves set an example! Even
                                                 though the limit is only up to 35 years old, 124
                                                 winemakers have signed up for the May Open
                                                 Cellars event in our village of Velké Pavlovice!
         PLEASURE FROM A GOOD DEED               These are almost all of our young people! ”
          „Wine festivals are meeting places of people
        who want to have fun with wine,“ a winemaker  THINGS ARE SLOW WITHOUT WINE
        Pavel Lacina explains. „In the normal period   When the open cellars were closed and the
        before Covid-19, hundreds and thousands of   government banned wine events and all si-
        people gathered in some wine villages for wine   milar cultural events, the people around little
        festivals. Thus, the idea arose to organize an   Paul moved their initiative to the Internet
        event called “VINAŘI JDOU NA DŘEŇ” for them.   and to the media. The movement has its own
        We do not want to deprive people of the joy of   homepage;
        the moment - on the contrary. We bring a band,   it cooperates well with the regional media
        organize a wine tasting and we discuss things   and sometimes penetrates even the natio-
        with people during the event - me, my wife, sis-  nal media. Little Paul is shooting videos. He
        ters, many acquaintances and friends get invol-  is handy and naturally funny and despite his
        ved. Even the legendary Zdeňka Wasserbauero-  age he has become used to being in front of
        vá, whom no one from pediatric oncology calls   the camera. He has found a donor in Germa-
        by another name other than „granny“, joined   ny, he is on the best path to recovery and so
        us. She has managed to get almost 20,000 vo-  he has things to talk about. One of his videos
        lunteers for donations in 20 years! Among us,   even had about 1/4 million views!
        there are doctors and paramedics from the Red   „The event was supported by the Union of
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