P. 168
are ten Rieslings of various styles and origins, Let us hope that the exposition of the Salon
7 types of Chardonnay and Gruner Veltliner. of Wines will open as soon as possible and will
However, you will also find small indigenous be able to serve the purpose for which it was
varieties one at a time. established - for communication between wi-
These 100 best wines of the Czech Republic nemakers and their clients. Do you like the
are awarded the title „Gold Medal of the Czech idea? It has developed over twenty years of ex-
Salon of Wines“. The wines in the second half perience. So far it has been taken over by Slova-
of the 200 receive a silver medal. The jury also kia; nowhere else in the world have I encounte-
select the absolute Champion of the competi- red such a comprehensive system allowing to
tion in the super final. get acquainted with the country‘s best wines
All of the wines displayed in the Salon are concentrated in one hall. Come to Valtice to
described by analytics, aromatic and strength see it. The National Wine Centre Director Pavel
profile and description by the producer and Krška will be happy to answer all of your ques-
each wine display has a QR code, so the visi- tions. We do not protect our knowledge by any
tors can obtain the maximal amount of infor- patent. On the contrary, we would be happy
mation using their smartphones in different to advise you! There is also a tuned ELWIS pro-
languages. gram available for your Competition but for an
The visit with a standard free tasting of 90 acceptable license fee.
minutes costs 399 CZK / 15 € / $18.50 USD, an
extended tasting of 150 minutes costs a third
more. Other options are guided tastings with
a sommelier or a free tasting without admi-
ssion of a selected collection of 16 wines by
using a modern temperate wine dispenser „By
the Glass“ for the price of 100 CZK or multiples