P. 314


                                   Soňa Španielová
                                   Ing. et Ing. Soňa Španielová, Ph.D., MBA is a consultant for
                                   strategic management and planning in the conditions of
                                   small and medium-sized enterprises and she is intensively
                                   involved in managerial education. She also teaches strategic
                                   management at the Business Institute in Prague and
                                   management at the College of Political and Social Sciences.
          Price Strictly Professionally Calculated

        HOW MUCH IT COSTS AND WHAT               a good cask wine out of a jug but if you want
        TO WANT FOR IT                           to impress a young lady at the first dinner, you
          This text is intended for small, family wine-  will order a wine that has a sound ... and it also
        ries. Large companies have their own econo-  costs accordingly.
        mists, work with information systems such as   The price from the point of view of the
        SAP or other Enterprise Resource Planning  producer, the winemaker, is essential for this
        System, etc. and can analyze the inputs for  material. On the way to the consumer, it en-
        each bottle. A small winery often „calculates“  ters at least one more, sometimes two stages
        the price by firing from the hip so that it so-  in the off trade market (wholesale and retail)
        mehow works out. Sometimes they „fire“ their  and at least one stage in the on trade market
        discounts this way too.                  (restaurants); however, a wholesale company
          Here is a  basic guide on how to avoid   specialized in deliveries to gastronomy usually
        unnecessary mistakes and losses in the   enters the process here.
        wine economy.                              Pricing is one of the key decisions that eve-
          The price is an expression of the exchange  ry producer must make. A properly set price
        value of the goods.                      is one of the basic conditions for a long-term
          This means that on the part of the offeror  successful business.
        (producer) it must cover the production costs   When setting the price, we must be aware of
        and ensure a reasonable profit, while on the  the goal of our business.
        part of the demander (customer) it must pro-  It can be the maximizing of our profit or
        vide the expected satisfaction of the custo-  maximizing our sales, increasing of the
        mer‘s need for the money spent.          current market share or elimination of the
          It needs to do  that both from the materi-  competition.
        al point of view, which is the corresponding   In times of crisis, survival may also be
        quantity and quality of the product, as well  a short-term goal.
        as from the intangible point of view, which   The goal defined in this way will then fun-
        is the psychological perception of the useful-  damentally affect the creation of the product
        ness of the product, i.e. the social status that  price and the entire pricing policy.
        the product brings them. You know that you   The basis for pricing is the calculation of
        and your group of friends would like to pour  the lowest possible price at which we are able
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