P. 317


          I emphasize again - please, never forget  CZK / 3,60€. Converted to one 0.75l bottle, the
        to include in the calculation formula a re-  cost price will be CZK 67.50 / 2,70€.
        asonable reward for yourself and your fa-
        mily!                                    IMPORTANT!
          We divide the cost of individual items by   We will make no mistake if we continue to
        the number of hectares on which the grapes  count on a uniform average price of grapes for
        are grown. If the grapes are to be sold, a profit  the entire winery in the next calculation, i.e.
        margin must be added. The calculated price  the weighted average of our own and purcha-
        of grapes then enters into the below-stated  sed grapes. It is the average price of the main
        calculation of the price as a  multiple of the  raw material.
        number of tons of grapes consumed and the   We can also easily calculate the weighted
        price per ton. Grapes purchased from external  average price of wine from the cellar. It seems
        suppliers belong to other direct material. So,  that you are selling wines for 3, 7, 12, 25 and
        we will use the price of  740€ per hectare for  50 euros or dollars. However, the sales will still
        our own grapes in our further calculations.  end up in one sum in the REVENUE item of the
          The calculation of the cost price of wine will  accounting.
        again be based on the general calculation for-  The price of wine in the entire cellar is
        mula. We will work with the cost of the total  a good guide for basic calculations. Of course,
        amount of wine produced, which we then di-  it would be more accurate if you could specify
        vide by the number of liters of wine produced  the different costs of wines aged in barrique
        and get the cost price per liter. This formula  barrels, special wines (straw, ice), etc.
        includes the price of the finished cask or tank   However, at the end of the economic calcu-
        wine in the first year after harvest. If you let  lation, you will again get to the same sum.
        the wine mature for a long time, you need to      Therefore, we will use the average price of
        know how much money you have in your wine  CZK 67.50 / 2,70€ in the next steps for bottled
        inventories.                             wine calculations.
                                                   As mentioned above, the cost price is the
          &$/&8/$7,21 ,7(0             &267
                                                 minimum price that covers all costs but
          *UDSHV IURP RZQ SURGXFWLRQ     KD     W   ϴϴ ϴϴϭ͕ϲϬ Φ
          3XUFKDVHG JUDSHV     W DW     ¼  ϭϭϮ ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  does not include a  profit, in other words
          2WKHU GLUHFW PDWHULDO        Ϯϭ ϲϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  a markup, popularly called a “margin”.
          7RWDO GLUHFW PDWHULDO FRVWV   ZLQH    ϮϮϮ ϰϴϭ͕ϲϬ Φ  Profit is defined as the positive difference
          2WKHU GLUHFW FRVWV DQG VHUYLFHV  ϯ ϲϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  between revenues and expenses.
          7RWDO ZDJH DQG SHUVRQQHO FRVWV  ϮϬϬ ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  Profit has several functions and we should
          'HSUHFLDWLRQ RI WDQJLEOH DVVHWV   GLUHFW  ϰϬ ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  take them into account when creating a price.
          &RVWV RI DQFLOODU\ DFWLYLWLHV  ϰ ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  From the profit, we pay taxes, loan repayments,
          $GPLQLVWUDWLYH RYHUKHDGV     ϯϮ ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  the share of the profit motivates owners and
          6DOHV FRVWV                  ϳϰ ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ  employees to perform better, the profit should
          7RWDO FRVWV                 ϱϳϲ Ϭϴϭ͕ϲϬ Φ  be used to finance most investments, the pro-
          3URGXFWLRQ OLWHUV              ϭϲϬϬϬϬ  fit should allow us to create reserves for unex-
                                                 pected events and crises.
          This model example is also loosely based on   When creating a  price for a  customer, we
        the Methodology of Calculations of Revenues  should choose a  suitable pricing method in
        and Costs in Agriculture, the author of which is  accordance with our business objectives.
        Jana Poláčková et al.
          The above example shows that the cost pri-
        ce per liter of wine for the entire winery is 90   See the spreadsheet on the next page
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