P. 318


         7RWDO GLUHFW PDWHULDO FRVWV RI ERWWOHG ZLQH  (85                       hZ
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         6WRSSHU                                      Ϭ͕ϭϮ Φ                      Ϭ͕Ϯϱ Φ
         6KULQN WRS ZLWK SULQW                        Ϭ͕Ϭϱ Φ                      Ϭ͕ϭϮ Φ
         &DUWRQ                                       Ϭ͕Ϭϴ Φ                      Ϭ͕ϭϲ Φ
         727$/                                        Ϭ͕ϲϱ Φ                      ϭ͕ϭϲ Φ
         :LQH     O   VHH SUHYLRXV FDOXODWLRQ         Ϯ͕ϳϬ Φ                      Ϯ͕ϳϬ Φ
         3URGXFWLRQ FRVWV SHU ERWWOH                  ϯ͕ϯϱ Φ                      ϯ͕ϴϲ Φ
                                    0DUJLQ            Ϭ͕ϱϬ Φ  0DUJLQ              Ϭ͕ϵϳ Φ
         7KH EDVLV RI FDOF  SULFH                     ϯ͕ϴϱ Φ                      ϰ͕ϴϯ Φ
         5RXQGHG                                      ϯ͕ϴϰ Φ                      ϰ͕ϴϬ Φ
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         727$/ 352'8&7,21                                     ϴϳϬ ϯϵϴ͕ϰϬ Φ
         7RWDO JURVV SURILW                     ϭϱϰ ϰϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ                ϱϭ ϰϲϲ͕ϯϱ Φ
         7RWDO JURVV SURILW                                   ϮϬϱ ϴϲϲ͕ϯϱ Φ
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        COST-ORIENTED PRICING                    tition can lead to higher demand and higher
          It is the simplest method of pricing. In this  sales. However, from a psychological point of
        case, we add the required profit to the calcula-  view, it can give the impression of lower qua-
        ted cost price, in our table of 15% for the base  lity. As wine is a highly emotional affair, it can
        wine, of which we will produce 120,000 liters /  subsequently negatively affect the demand
        160,000 bottles and alternatively 25% for the  for the product. A higher price compared to
        premium wine, of which we produce 40,000  the competition can lead to lower demand.
        liters / 53,333 bottles.                 On the other hand, in conjunction with quality
          At the cost price of CZK 83.80 / 3,35€ for the  and appropriate marketing, it can have a posi-
        basic and CZK 96.50 / 3,86€ for premium wine  tive effect on customer emotions and therefo-
        per bottle, the profit markup per bottle would  re lead to higher demand.
        be CZK 12.57 /  0,50€ and 24.13 CZK / 1€ re-
        spectively (rounded).                    COMPETITION-ORIENTED PRICING
          The price of one bottle of wine from the pro-  The decision on the amount of the price is
        ducer would then be CZK 96.37 / 3,85€ for ba-  based on a survey of competitors‘ prices. We
        sic wine and CZK 120.63 / 4,83€ for premium  find out the prices at which our most impor-
        wine.                                    tant competitors offer their products. Subse-
          Value added tax must be added to the price.  quently, we decide whether we want to offer
          If we count on the trader‘s margin of 30%  our production at a price higher than the com-
        and VAT 21%, the price of the product for the  petition or at a price comparable to the com-
        customer will be about CZK 153 / 6,12€ for  petition. Alternatively, we can decide to fight
        basic wine and CZK 190 / 7,60€ for premium  for the customer by having a lower price. Each
        wine.                                    of these approaches has its advantages and
          The question is how the market will react to  risks. In any case, we must keep in mind that
        this price.                              „the margin is sacred!“ and, unless circumstan-
          Having a low price compared to the compe-  ces worthy of special consideration have aris-
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