P. 316


          We will now analyze the individual catego-  the government or law in your country - the
        ries listed in the general calculation formula in  important thing is for how long you will use it
        more detail. The specificity of wine production  before you buy a new one.
        is the fact that grape production is an agricul-  The depreciation of all machinery, equip-
        tural process and wine production is a classic  ment and facilities used for the production of
        non-agricultural, i.e. production process. So,  grapes or wine is calculated in a similar way. If
        there are basically two price calculations - the  the technical device is also used for other pur-
        calculation of the price of grapes as the final  poses, only a proportion of the depreciation of
        product of agricultural activity and the calcu-  the device is included in the amount of depre-
        lation of the price of wine as such.     ciation - typically for means of transport such
                                                 as vans. By adding up the depreciation, we
        CALCULATION OF THE COST PRICE OF         obtain the sum of depreciation, which will be
        GRAPES                                   part of the production overheads according to
          So, what is calculated when it comes to the  the general calculation formula.
        price of grapes? The price of grapes includes
        the means used for fertilization, chemical and   &$/&8/$7,21 ,7(0        &267
        mechanical protection against pests, contai-  6HHGV   SXUFKDVHG            Ϭ͕ϬϬ Φ
        ners for the collection and transport of fruit,   6HHGV   RZQ              Ϭ͕ϬϬ Φ
                                                  )HUWLOL]HUV SXUFKDVHG           ϴϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        fuel, etc.
                                                  2ZQ IHUWLOL]HUV                  Ϭ͕ϬϬ Φ
          Wage costs are also an important item that
                                                  3ODQW SURWHFWLRQ SURGXFWV LQFO  DSSOLFDWLRQ  ϴϰϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        we must include in the price of grapes.  We
                                                  2WKHU GLUHFW PDWHULDO          ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        calculate them by adding up the number of
                                                  7RWDO GLUHFW PDWHULDO FRVWV   ϭ ϭϮϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        hours that all workers spent working in the vi-
                                                  2WKHU GLUHFW FRVWV DQG VHUYLFHV  ϭϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        neyard, including the collection and transport
                                                  7RWDO ZDJH DQG SHUVRQQHO FRVWV  Ϯ ϰϬϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        of fruit, multiplying it by the average hourly
                                                  'HSUHFLDWLRQ RI WDQJLEOH DVVHWV   GLUHFW  ϯϰϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        wage rate or by adding up all the wages paid
                                                  &RVWV RI DQFLOODU\ DFWLYLWLHV  ϭϮϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        out (including accessories).
                                                  0DQXIDFWXULQJ RYHUKHDGV          ϰ͕ϬϬ Φ
          When calculating costs, we take into
                                                  $GPLQLVWUDWLYH RYHUKHDGV       ϯϲϬ͕ϬϬ Φ
        account wages even if it is the work of the
                                                  7RWDO FRVWV SHU KD            ϰ ϰϰϰ͕ϬϬ Φ
        vineyard owner and his family. Don´t forget
                                                  <LHOG SHU KHFWDUH              ϲ dKE^
        your own wages! The best way is to make the
                                                  7RWDO FRVW SHU WRQ RI JUDSHV   ϳϰϬ͕ϲϳ Φ
        calculation for one growing season, so that it
        includes all costs, including spring and winter   The costs are calculated per hectar.  The
        care of the vineyard.                    example of the calculation of the price of gra-
          For the growing of vine, agricultural ma-  pes is only illustrative and it is based on the
        chinery such as tractors, mulching machines,  Methodology of Calculations of Revenues and
        harrows, etc. is necessary and it is reflected in  Costs in Agriculture, the author of which is
        the price in the form of depreciation.   Jana Poláčková et al. It may vary from country
                                                 to country. We have consulted several Euro-
          Example of the calculation of the depreciati-  pean winemakers about the specific costs in
        on of a tractor:                         order to get as close as possible to the current
        Purchase price of the tractor     CZK 750,000  reality. The differences will be mainly in the
        Expected life time                                  10 years  wage component; some wineries may have
        Annual depreciation of the tractor        CZK 75,000  fewer employees per area and will hire mainly
          It doesn‘t matter how long the depreciation  seasonal workers, other vineyards will be ca-
        time is set for the tractor, car or wine press by  red for by year-round employed workers.
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