Page 13 - Ches User's Guide 2018 v1.4
P. 13

When It Is Time to Enroll

        Whether you are a new employee
        enrolling for the first time or

        a current employee making a
        change to your plans as a result
        of a family status change, you can
        make your elections quickly and

        conveniently online.

        Simply visit
        to review plan specifics and
        begin the enrollment process.

             Follow these easy steps to take

             advantage of the great benefits at

             REVIEW your plan options and costs

             USE the modeling tools available to
             you on
             to see which medical option works

             best for you.

             DECIDE which benefit options you want to update or elect and who you
             wish to cover.

             ENROLL online at or by calling the
             Chesapeake Benefits Service Center at 1-844-730-8906.

             CONFIRM your elections. View your benefits summary any time online at

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