Page 12 - Ches User's Guide 2018 v1.4
P. 12

Medical Plan Options (continued)

               Decisions! Decisions!

               So which plan is right for
               you? Which plan meets

               your current needs? What
               health services will you
               and your family need over
               the next year or two?

               There is simply no single

               right answer, and each
               personal and family
               situation will ultimately
               determine which plan is

               best for you. Both plans
               are very comprehensive,
               and since they take
               advantage of the exceptional BCBSTX                   Long-term planning — do you want an

               network of providers, you are assured                 account that allows you to maintain
               of receiving the highest quality care                 a balance and carry it forward into
               whenever you need it.                                 the next plan year, allowing you to

               Items you might consider when making                  build a financial reserve to cover your
               your decision:                                        deductible and out-of-pocket maximum,
                                                                     while at the same time saving for
               Cost — including annual premiums,                     healthcare costs in retirement?
               deductibles, copays and out-of-pocket

               maximums.                                             Investment growth — do you want a
                                                                     plan that gives the ability to invest a
               Simplicity — ease of getting care and                 portion of your balance to help your
               paying your portion of the cost; debit                account grow for later years?
               cards or reimbursements from the plan.
                                                                     Flexibility — if you should leave the
                                                                     company, will you be able to take the
                                                                     plan and any unused funds in your
                                                                     account with you?

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