Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       As stated in the bid notice, Petrobras will make  worth approximately 940mn $.  benefiting local communities.
       investments to improve the overall infrastruc-  The project awarded to Saipem includes the   Suriname’s Amazon forest covers more than
       ture, including the construction of tankage and  Engineering, Procurement, Construction and  15mn hectares and absorbs billions of tonnes
       a new pier.                         Installation (EPCI) of the Steel Lazy Wave Risers  of CO2 each year. It is home to rich biodiver-
       Petrobras, November 19 2021         (SLWR) and associated flowlines interconnect-  sity and plays a crucial historical and cultural
                                           ing 15 subsea wells to the FPSO together with the  role in local communities. The development of
                                           related service lines and control umbilicals. Fur-  new economic activities and growing demand
       SERVICES                            thermore, Saipem will also be responsible for the  for natural resources puts pressure on the for-
                                           provision and installation of the FPSO anchors  ests, making the implementation of sustainable
       Wood secures extension              and for the hook up of the FPSO at field.  development models more necessary than ever.
                                                                                  The agreement signed by the Government of
                                              Saipem will use the FDS, its state-of-the-art
       with Equinor to deliver             field development ship, for the installation of the  Suriname and TotalEnergies provides for future
                                                                                projects to preserve forest ecosystems. The emis-
       maintenance solutions               awarded a contract by Petrobras for the Buzios 5  shall be certified in accordance with highest
                                              In July  2020 Saipem  had already  been  sions reductions stemming from these actions
       at Peregrino                        project for the Engineering, Procurement, Con-  international standard.
                                           struction and Installation (EPCI) of the Steel
                                                                                  “This carbon credit exchange agreement is a
       Wood has secured an extension with Equinor to  Lazy Wave Risers (SLWR) and associated flow-  historical milestone for Suriname. Our country
       deliver maintenance solutions across the Pere-  lines between all wells and the FPSO.  is determined to establish institutional capacity
       grino wellhead platforms (WHP) and floating   Francesco Caio, CEO and General Manager  first. The carbon credit market has a very prom-
       production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit,  of Saipem commented: “This project is a further  ising future for High-Forest/Low-Deforestation
       located off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  important evidence of a new investment cycle  (HFLD) countries, but the benefits will not only
         This is the third one-year extension awarded  and of Saipem’s competitiveness in projects with  be determined by mere market forces. They
       to the team, with the contract initially secured in  a high technological content. The contract also  will mainly be determined by the ability of the
       2015 as a four-year commitment with four addi-  confirms the trust placed in Saipem by major  countries’ governing institutes to manage their
       tional one-year options to extend.  clients such as Petrobras for the realization of  natural resources at an unprecedented level of
         Wood’s core team, consisting of approx-  projects central to their strategies, as well as it  professionalism. This agreement with TotalEn-
       imately 140 people, will continue to provide  confirms the solid position of the company in  ergies provides the opportunity to do so,” said
       maintenance solutions to optimise the assets.  geographic areas with significant development  Silvano Tjong-Ahin, Suriname’s Minister of
       As Wood executes Equinor’s upcoming major  prospects.”                   Spatial Planning and Environment.
       Technical Condition Upgrade Project (TCUP)   Saipem, November 22 2021      “We are delighted to partner with the Govern-
       on the Peregrino assets, an additional 500 people                        ment of Suriname to preserve forests as carbon
       will be mobilised to the team.                                           sinks in the country. This agreement, which aims
         Paul Leonard, Wood’s President for Opera-  ESG                         to protect forest ecosystems and biodiversity
       tions in the Americas, said: “This latest endorse-                       while benefiting local communities, is aligned
       ment is testament to the strong relationship we   TotalEnergies partners   with the Suriname government’s REDD+ strat-
       have built with Equinor, having worked with the                          egy, the United Nations Framework Convention
       client since 2009. This contract extension solid-  with Suriname to preserve   on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the conclu-
       ifies our position in the region, demonstrating                          sions of the Paris Agreement,” said Christine
       Wood’s proven capabilities in delivering energy   forests as carbon sinks  Healy, Senior Vice President Carbon Neutrality
       solutions to Brazil. We are well positioned to                           at TotalEnergies. “TotalEnergies’ ambition to
       extend our work with Equinor in the years to  TotalEnergies has signed an agreement with the  get to Net Zero for its scope 1 & 2 emissions is
       come as they continue to invest heavily in Brazil,  Government of Suriname to provide support for  based on a series of tangible measures designed
       with new developments. We are also committed  its national strategy to reduce greenhouse gas  first to avoid, then to reduce our greenhouse gas
       to align with them in their pursuit of alternative  emissions by preserving forests in the country.  emissions by implementing best available tech-
       energy sources, such as solar and wind, as we  This public-private partnership illustrates the  nologies, and lastly to offset residual emissions,
       navigate the energy transition towards net-zero  alignment between the ambition of TotalEner-  in particular through nature based solutions like
       carbon emissions together.”         gies and the Government of Suriname to pro-  forest preservation. This agreement illustrates
       Wood, November 23 2021              tect forest ecosystems and biodiversity while  our approach.”
       Petrobras awards Saipem

       new contract for Buzios 7
       project offshore Brazil

       Saipem has been awarded by Petrobras a new
       SURF EPCI contract for the installation of a rigid
       riser-based subsea system for the Búzios 7 pro-
       ject, to serve the pre-salt field located about 200
       km offshore the state of Rio de Janeiro, in water
       depths of around 2,000 metres. The contract is

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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