Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       About TotalEnergies Nature Based Solutions: As
       part of its climate ambition, and in addition to its
       priority actions to avoid and reduce emissions,
       TotalEnergies works with many local partners
       around the world to develop and conserve natu-
       ral carbon sinks, while helping to preserve their
       biodiversity. These operations follow a long-
       term approach of sustainable and integrated
       economic development of areas with local com-
       munities. TotalEnergies plans to spend $100mn
       per year to build a portfolio of projects capable
       of generating at least 5mn metric tons of CO2e
       of carbon credits per year by 2030. These carbon
       credits will be used after 2030 to offset the Com-
       pany’s Scope 1 &2 emissions.
         About TotalEnergies: TotalEnergies is a
       global multi-energy company that produces
       and markets energies on a global scale: oil and  remuneration to shareholders must follow the  complied with and the criteria defined in the
       biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewa-  rules set forth in Law 6,404/76, in the Compa-  Dividend Policy are observed.
       bles and electricity. Our 105,000 employees are  ny’s Bylaws, and must not compromise the short,   The full Dividend Policy is available on Petro-
       committed to energy that is ever more afforda-  medium, and long-term financial sustainability  bras’ Investor Relations website.
       ble, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as  of the Company.        Petrobras, November 24 2021
       many people as possible. Active in more than   The Dividend Policy brings the following
       130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable  parameters for the distribution of dividends,   Fitch Ratings maintained
       development in all its dimensions at the heart of  which should be followed in the decisions of
       its projects and operations to contribute to the  the Board of Directors and in the Management’s   Ecopetrol’s rating at BB+
       well-being of people.               proposals to the Annual General Meeting:
       TotalEnergies, November 19 2021        1. The Company establishes a minimum  Ecopetrol reports that Fitch Ratings affirmed the
                                           annual compensation of $4bn for fiscal years in  Company’s credit rating at BB+ with a stable out-
                                           which the average price of Brent is above $40 per  look and the stand-alone rating at bbb (without
       FINANCE                             barrel, which may be distributed regardless of its  incorporating government support).
                                           level of indebtedness, as long as the principles set   Fitch highlighted the Company’s linkage to
       Petrobras revises                   forth in the Policy are observed.    the Republic of Colombia, which currently owns
                                              1.1 The minimum annual compensation will  88.5% of the voting shares, as well as the strate-
       dividend policy                     be equivalent for common shares and preferred  gic importance of the Company for the country.
                                           shares, provided that it exceeds the minimum  Likewise, Fitch Ratings recognizes Ecopetrol’s
       Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors, in  amount for preferred shares set forth in the  ability to maintain a solid financial position.
       a meeting held today, approved the revision of  Company’s Bylaws.          Finally, the rating agency emphasized Eco-
       the Shareholder Remuneration Policy (Dividend   2. In case of gross debt equal to or less than  petrol’s liquidity, supported by its cash gener-
       Policy). The enhancement of the Dividend Pol-  $65bn and accumulated positive result, to be  ation, proven access to the capital markets and
       icy has become important because of the antic-  verified in the last accurate quarterly result and  adequate debt maturity profile.
       ipated achievement of the target of gross debt  approved by the Board of Directors, the Com-  Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia
       below $60bn in the 3rd quarter of 2021, origi-  pany must distribute to its shareholders 60%  and one of the main integrated energy compa-
       nally scheduled for 2022.           of the difference between operating cash flow  nies in the American continent, with more than
         The Company set an optimal gross debt level  and investments, according to the equation  17,000 employees. In Colombia, it accounts for
       of $60bn, including commitments related to  below, provided that the result of this formula is  more than 60% of hydrocarbon production,
       leasing, therefore, for the purposes of the Divi-  higher than the amount provided in item 1 and  and most of the hydrocarbon transportation,
       dend Policy, it will adopt a flexibility around this  does not compromise the Company’s financial  logistics, and refining systems, and has leading
       debt target, applying a gross debt of $65bn as a  sustainability:        positions in petrochemicals and gas distribution.
       criterion to define the method to calculate the   Shareholder remuneration = 60% x (Net cash  With the acquisition of 51.4% of ISA’s shares, it
       remuneration to be distributed.     generated from operating activities - Acquisition  participates in energy transmission, manage-
         Additionally, it was defined that the distribu-  of PP&E and intangible asset)  ment of real-time systems (XM) and the Con-
       tion of remuneration should be made quarterly.   3. Regardless of its level of indebtedness, the  cesión Costera Barranquilla-Cartagena. At the
       The capex of the original free cash flow formula  Company may, in exceptional cases, pay extraor-  international level, Ecopetrol focuses on strate-
       was also adjusted to include the signing bonus of  dinary dividends, exceeding the minimum legal  gic basins on the American continent, with E&P
       the bidding rounds.                 mandatory dividend and/or the amounts estab-  operations in the United States (the Permian
         The revision also had the objective of sim-  lished in items 1 and 2, as long as the Company’s  basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil and Mex-
       plifying the Dividend Policy and establishing  financial sustainability is preserved.  ico, and through ISA and its subsidiaries it has
       an annual minimum remuneration, promoting   Furthermore, the Company may exception-  leading positions in the transmission business in
       greater predictability to the cash flow payments  ally promote the distribution of extraordinary  Brazil, Chile, Peru and Bolivia, in road conces-
       to shareholders.                    dividends even in the event of no net income,  sions in Chile, and in telecommunications.
         In  all  distribution  parameters,  the  once the rules set forth in Law 6,404/76 are   Ecopetrol, November 23 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2021
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