Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                       ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                                                     The Trans-Andean Pipeline has a capacity of 100,000 bpd (File Photo)

       Neuquen governor sees Trans-Andean

       Pipeline resuming operations next year

                         OMAR Gutierrez, the governor of Argentina’s   Nevertheless, Argentina is set to see produc-
                         Neuquen Province, announced last week that   tion increase again, owing to the development
                         the Trans-Andean Pipeline will resume opera-  of the Vaca Muerta shale formation, which con-
                         tions in 2022.                       tains large volumes of unconventional oil and
                           The pipeline, which is capable of pumping   gas. Officials in Buenos Aires are looking for
                         100,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil from   new international markets to sell the country’s
                         Neuquen to Chile, has been refurbished after   crude oil, and they see the Trans-Andean Pipe-
                         remaining idle for 16 years. The two sides have   line as an ideal outlet because of its geographical
                         been holding serious discussions on proposals   location, which offers easier access to the Asian
                         for refurbishment of the pipeline for several   market than the South Atlantic Ocean.
                         years, but they finally reached a deal on January   Gutierrez pointed out last week that crude
                         26 of this year.                     production was anticipated to rise in Neuquen
                           Argentina’s national oil company (NOC)   from its current volume of 214,000 bpd to
                         YPF and its Chilean counterpart ENAP built   235,000 bpd once the pipeline is up and run-
                         the Trans-Andean Pipeline in the early 1990s   ning. The province is expected to pump 285,288
                         and began operating it in 1994 with the aim of   bpd in 2022, he said.
                         supplying the Bio Bio oil refinery in Chile with   Sergio Affronti, the CEO of YPF, said his
                         feedstock from oilfields in Neuquen Province.   company hoped to become a net exporter of
                         The pipeline served as a key export outlet, as   crude by mid-2023 as a result of projected
                         Argentina’s crude production rose to a peak of   increases in production. “Our goal is to become
                         840,000 bpd in the late 1990s, nearly twice the   an oil-exporting company by mid-2023. We
                         2020 figure of 450,000 bpd. However, it became   want to be self-sufficient and start exporting,” he
                         less important as the country’s production levels   explained to reporters during a recent meeting
                         declined.                            with the press. ™

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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