Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 8

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       Braskem Idesa JV sees US ethane

       imports hit record high in September

                         BRASKEM Idesa (BI), the Brazilian-Mexican   Ethane is the primary feedstock of the joint
                         joint venture that owns the Nanchital petro-  venture’s polyethylene facility in Coatzacoalcos.
                         chemical complex in Veracruz State, reported   The plant is capable of turning out up to 1.05mn
                         recently that it had seen ethane import volumes   tonnes per year (tpy) of LDPE and HDPE
                         climb to an all-time high in September 2021.  (low-density and high-density polyethylene).
                           According to an interim report from Bras-  In the past, BI has sourced most of its feed-
                         kem, the Brazilian partner in the joint venture,   stock from Pemex. In recent years, though,
                         BI imported 22,400 barrels per day (bpd) of   the NOC has been unable to uphold its com-
                         ethane from the US in the month of September.   mitment under a 20-year agreement signed in
                         Delivery volumes have climbed as a result of   2010 to supply 66,000 bpd of ethane. The parties
                         the expansion of the Fast Track project, a new   revised that agreement in late September of this
                         ethane import terminal in Laguna de Pajari-  year, and as a result the state-owned firm will
                         tos, a section of the port of Coatazacoalcos in   only be responsible for supplying 30,000 bpd of
                         Veracruz.                            ethane until BI finishes its new terminal in the
                           The Fast Track project is designed to make   second half of 2024.
                         more imported ethane available to BI’s polyeth-  Pemex also agreed in September to extend
                         ylene plant in Coatzacoalcos. The expansion   guaranteed ethane deliveries into early 2025,
                         brought the terminal’s capacity up to 25,000   in the event that BI encounters delays in the
                         bpd, it added.                       licensing process. Additionally, it agreed to give
                           The joint venture widened the scope of the   the joint venture the right of first refusal for the
                         Fast Track project in light of a decline in the vol-  purchase of its surplus ethane. ™
                         ume of ethane delivered by Mexico’s national oil
                         company (NOC) Pemex, Braskem stated. This
                         move appears to have borne fruit, as BI is now
                         on track to see the volume of ethane imported
                         from the US average 18,600 bpd in the third
                         quarter of 2021, up by about 113% on the sec-
                         ond-quarter figure of 8,800 bpd and more than
                         double the figure reported for the third quarter
                         of last year.
                           Deliveries are set to keep rising, Braskem
                         added, since the joint venture intends to expand
                         Fast Track again, raising its capacity up to 35,000
                         bpd by the second quarter of 2022. This second
                         round of expansion may allow BI to source
                         around half of its feedstock from the US, with
                         the remaining half coming from Pemex, it said.  BI’s petrochemical plant at Coatzalcoalcos (Image: Braskem Idesa)

                                              TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
       Energy minister says Trinidad and Tobago

       sees gas as crucial to energy transition

                         EVEN as leading experts call for phasing out   Speaking at the 23rd Ministerial Meeting of
                         and replacing natural gas with renewable energy   the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF),
                         sources, Trinidad and Tobago continues to see   Young pointed out that gas had many benefits
                         gas as the main driver toward energy transition,   and could support efforts to pursue cleaner
                         Energy Minister Stuart Young said last week.  energy.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2021
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