Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 12
LatAmOil BRAZIL LatAmOil
“It has its [own] team. It seeks profit. We had a president decided not to extend the contract
serious problem in the past, in addition to cor- of former CEO Roberto Castello Branco. Silva
ruption – the issue of parity with the interna- e Luna complained that Petrobras was being
tional price. We are seeking to review this issue.” described as a monolith capable of controlling
He went on to say that his administration had Brazil’s entire domestic fuel market, even
asked the judicial system to clarify the matter. though it lost its monopoly on fuel sales in 1997.
“We have an action before the Federal Supreme “Much of society is tied to Petrobras yester-
Court (STF) that has been going on for four day and not today,” he remarked. “The assertion
months,” he said. “We regret it took so long. We that the company is a monopoly is not correct.”
want to regulate a provision of a constitutional The NOC does not set gasoline prices, he
amendment of 2021 to define the value of the added. Instead, he said, it “follows market prices”
ICMS.” and adjusts domestic rates while “observing the
Bolsonaro’s remarks drew objections from external and internal markets, competition
Petrobras CEO Joaquim Silva e Luna, who between producers and importers and price
assumed his position earlier this year after the variations in the world market.”
Eneva, Servtec to examine plans
for new LNG terminal in Maranhão
ENEVA, a Brazilian energy company, said last Porto do Itaqui.
week that it had teamed up with Servtec, a local Eneva did not divulge many details of these
investment firm, to examine proposals for the proposals, but it said that its co-operation agree-
construction of a new LNG import terminal in ment with Servtec gave it the exclusive right to
Maranhão State. lead the project until December 30, 2022. After
In a statement, Eneva, which is implement- that date, it said, Eneva will have the right of first
ing Brazil’s first gas-to-wire scheme in the Par- refusal until December 30, 2023.
naiba basin, reported that the two companies In its statement, Eneva explained that it
had signed a co-operation agreement outlining would not commit to building the LNG import
their plans for the project. terminal until it could carry out technical stud-
The document calls for Eneva and Servtec to ies of the project and assess its economic fea-
evaluate several different plans for building the sibility. Additionally, it said, the partners must
LNG terminal in or close to Porto do Itaqui, it complete their assessments of the various pro-
noted. posals and obtain the necessary permits and
According to Eneva, Servtec has already authorisations.
drawn up multiple proposals for the terminal If the companies move forward, it added,
project. One such plan was previously submit- they will form a joint venture in which Eneva
ted to Empresa Maranhense de Administração will have a 51% stake and Servtec 49%.
Portuária (EMAP), the port authority of Mara- The Maranhão terminal is one of several
nhão State, in response to a call for expressions new LNG import projects under consideration
of interest (EoI). Other proposals envision the in Brazil. The South American country is eager
construction of an LNG terminal in São Luís, to secure additional natural gas supplies to meet
the state capital, which is just 20 km away from rising demand.
Existing facilities at Porto do Itaqui (Photo: EMAP)
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 47 25•November•2021