Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 9

LatAmOil                               TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                                         LatAmOil

                         He also called on other nations to stop criticising   committed to the fight against climate change.
                         gas and suggested emphasising the advantages   The country has set a goal of reducing its
                         of this kind of fuel. “We all recognise and accept   carbon dioxide emissions by 103mn tonnes by
                         that global climate change is an important [mat-  2030 and is pursuing several major renewable
                         ter] and a problem that we are facing, but we   projects in an effort to reach this target. These
                         must not let natural gas and its by-products be   include carbon capture and storage (CCS) and
                         caught up in the negative conversations,” he said   solar energy projects. ™
                         during the meeting, which was held online.
                           The minister stressed gas’ potential for lon-
                         gevity, saying he believed the large size of global
                         reserves would come into play as energy demand
                         expands and increases around the world. Addi-
                         tionally, he said, while natural gas may be a fossil
                         fuel, it has the ability to reduce emissions if used
                         as a replacement for coal in electricity produc-
                         tion as well as for diesel as trucking fuel.
                           For all these reasons, he commented, natural
                         gas will continue to be a pillar of Trinidad and
                         Tobago’s economy.
                           The island state is currently at a crossroads,
                         as it attempts to monetise its gas resources to the
                         greatest extent possible while also attempting
                         to make the transition to a low-carbon econ-
                         omy. Young indicated that Port of Spain would
                         continue to emphasise both of these goals, not-
                         ing that the country’s government was fully   Energy Minister Stuart Young (Photo: News.Gov.TT)

       Top-polling presidential candidate wants

       Bogotá to stop awarding oil and gas deals

                         GUSTAVO Petro, a former mayor of Bogotá   campaigns by raising taxes on certain types of
                         who is now the leading candidate in Colombia’s   agricultural imports. This measure would help
                         presidential race, has said he will stop awarding   “defend” the national economy, while also cre-
                         oil and gas contracts if he wins the vote, which is   ating millions of jobs, he told El Tiempo.
                         scheduled to take place in May 2022. In an inter-  Additionally, Petro called on Colombia’s
                         view with El Tiempo published last week, he said   national oil company (NOC) Ecopetrol to
                         his first act as president would be putting a halt   switch its focus to solar and wind energy pro-
                         to these deals.                      jects. He urged the state-owned firm to make
                           Petro,  a  long-time left-wing  activist,   changes as rapidly as possible, saying: “If there’s
                         explained his stance by saying he wanted to   no one who’ll buy Colombian carbon or oil, we
                         move Colombia away from the “extractiv-  need to react quick.”
                         ist” model, in which the economy is based on   This is not the first time the candidate has
                         resource exploitation and fossil fuel consump-  expressed the desire to halt oil and gas licens-
                         tion. In an interview with El Tiempo, he said that   ing. He made nearly identical proposals in 2018,
                         his government would instead seek to attract   when he last sought the presidency. This time,
                         investment from companies that prioritised   though, his prospects for winning the election
                         carbon emissions reduction.          are much more solid; he is currently the high-
                           This switch is necessary to prevent climate   est-polling candidate in the race. ™
                         change, as a matter of national security, the can-
                         didate asserted. Colombia must leave 80% of
                         its fossil fuel reserves undeveloped in order to
                         support efforts to limit the rise in global tem-
                         peratures to 1.5 degrees Celsius or less, he said.
                           He went on to say that Colombia could
                         compensate for some of the economic disrup-
                         tion that might stem from decarbonisation   Petro tops the polls (Photo: Twitter/@petrogustavo)

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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