Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY Y                                          LatAmOil

       US, Canada, Mexico talk up

       joint methane strategy plans

       The first trilateral North American summit in five years ends with a pledge from Biden, Trudeau

       and Lopez Obrador to establish a North American strategy for methane and carbon emissions

                         US President Joe Biden, Mexican President   “especially oil and gas.” The three countries will
                         Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Canadian   also focus on reducing black carbon from “diesel
       WHAT:             Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a joint   vehicles and engines, [gas] flaring, wood-burn-
       Mexico, the US and Can-  pledge to create a North American strategy on   ing appliances and shipping,” the statement said.
       ada intend to join forces   methane and black carbon emissions last week.
       to reduce greenhouse gas   The pledge came during a trilateral North   Building on the Global Methane Pledge
       (GHG) emissions.  American summit – the first such gathering in   This joint initiative follows the launch of the
                         five years – held in Washington, DC. The three   Global Methane Pledge, a joint US-EU plan to
       WHY:              leaders met in the US capital in a bid to revital-  cut global methane emissions by at least 30%
       This strategy will focus   ise mutual co-operation, despite Mexican and   on 2020 levels by 2030. That pledge was first
       on reducing emissions in   Canadian opposition to certain policies of the   unveiled by the US and the EU in September,
       all sectors, “especially oil   Biden administration.   and it was formally launched at the COP26 UN
       and gas.”           While no major breakthroughs were   Climate Change Conference earlier this month.
                         announced, the three leaders did commit to   So far, more than 100 countries, including Mex-
       WHAT NEXT:        taking concrete actions in support of joint goals   ico and Canada, have signed on to the pledge.
       US political fights may   relating to a variety of issues, including the coro-  Methane emissions are seen as the
       hamper the passage of a
       proposed tax on methane   navirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the fostering   “low-hanging fruit” of emissions reduction
       emissions.        of competitiveness and regional responses to   efforts, with methane leaks from energy infra-
                         migration. Among these pledges were several   structure considered to be the cheapest and
                         initiatives relating to the fight against climate   easiest sources of methane to identify and fix.
                         change, including a plan for formulating a joint   Given that methane’s heat-trapping potential is
                         methane and black carbon strategy.   considerably higher than that of carbon dioxide
                           According to a White House statement, the   (CO2), calls for reducing methane emissions
                         North American methane strategy will be aimed   have taken on new urgency as more countries
                         at reducing methane emissions from all sectors,   begin to prioritise addressing climate change.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2021
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