Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         The Global Methane Pledge does not place any   to accelerate North American deployment of
                         obligations on its signatories to cut their own   renewable energy, including catalysing finance
                         emissions; rather, it states that they must sup-  and technology in service of renewable energy,”
                         port the global 30% reduction target. Nonethe-  the statement said.
                         less, countries such as the US and Canada are   Meanwhile, the Biden administration has
                         already taking steps at home to pursue methane   moved one step closer to establishing disincen-
                         emissions cuts. (Canada in particular has set   tives for methane emissions, though it will still
                         a considerably more ambitious goal than the   face a political battle over this issue. On Novem-
                         global 2030 target.)                 ber 19, the same day as the summit, members of
                                                              the US House of Representatives voted 220-213
                         US, Canadian and Mexican policy      to approve the Build Back Better Act, a $2 tril-
                         In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency   lion spending bill that calls for imposing a tax
                         (EPA) recently proposed a Clean Air Act rule   on methane emissions. The measure will now
                         aimed at sharply reducing methane emissions   move on the Senate, as it must pass in the upper
                         from oil and gas operations. Commenting on   chamber before it can become law.  Methane
                         the rules earlier this month, investment bank   Canada, for its part, recently pledged to   emissions have
                         Morgan Stanley noted that the US oil and gas   invest $10mn in the Climate and Clean Air
                         industry had already made “significant” reduc-  Coalition (CCAC) Trust Fund over the next five   not been a high
                         tions in methane emissions in recent years, with   years. This plan was announced on November
                         many of the larger producers having set targets   9 by Canada’s Minister of Environment and  priority for Lopez
                         in excess of the Biden administration’s goals.  Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, during a
                           Ottawa, for its part, unveiled a new goal in   meeting with US Special Presidential Envoy   Obrador, who
                         October, saying it aimed to cut methane emis-  for Climate John Kerry and Ghana’s Minister of   has focused
                         sions from oil and gas by 75% on 2012 levels by   Environment, Science, Technology and Innova-
                         2030. Few additional details on how the goal was   tion Kwaku Afriyie. The officials were attending   on ramping
                         to be achieved were announced at the time.  the Climate and Clean Air Ministerial meeting,
                           Meanwhile, methane emissions – and cli-  which took place shortly after the end of COP26.  up Mexico’s
                         mate change more broadly – have been less of
                         a priority for Lopez Obrador, who has focused   Practical obstacles        production of
                         on ramping up Mexico’s production of crude oil   It remains to be seen whether last week’s high-  crude oil and
                         and refined petroleum products instead. Mexi-  level meeting – or the high-level statements
                         co’s state-owned Pemex has come under fire for   uttered by Trudeau, Biden and Lopez Obrador   refined fuels
                         its record on gas flaring – and on environmen-  at the meeting – have any significant impact.
                         tal, social and governance (ESG) issues more   In the US, at least, climate commitments have
                         broadly. A study released by the Environmental   the potential to founder as a result of practical
                         Defense Fund (EDF) this year concluded that   obstacles in the form of political battles. Mem-
                         gas-processing facilities owned by Pemex were   bers of the US Senate are hoping to secure the
                         emitting methane at 10 times the rate being   bill’s passage through the reconciliation pro-
                         reported by the Mexican government.  cess, which requires only a simple majority for
                                                              approval. However, that simple majority may be
                         Other plans                          difficult to achieve.
                         Despite this lacklustre track record, Lopez Obra-  The proposed methane tax has drawn strong
                         dor did talk about climate change during the   opposition from oil and gas industry groups, and
                         summit. According to the statement issued by   Republicans don’t favour it either. But with the
                         the White House, the Mexican president and his   upper chamber split, for all practical purposes,
                         US counterpart outlined their visions of North   evenly between Republicans and Democrats, the
                         America’s future energy strategy, including   legislation could falter – or pass only with the
                         plans for addressing climate issues. “Both noted   help of a tie-breaking vote from Vice-President
                         their commitment to work closely together   Kamala Harris. ™

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