Page 11 - AsiaElec Week 49 2021
P. 11
AsiaElec RENEWABLES AsiaElec
Vietnam’s 48-MW Tra
Vinh wind farm begins
VIETNAM MODERN Energy Management (MEM) said services (MWS) and consultancy to support the
it has begun commercial operations at the pio- development of the first phase of the Tra Vinh
neering 48-MW Tra Vinh Wind Power (TWPC) nearshore wind farm.
intertidal wind farm project in Vietnam. The project is located in Vietnam’s Tra Vinh
The $104mn Tra Vinh project is backed by Province, a coastal inter-tidal area. Construction
investors Climate Investor One (CIO) and ST is being undertaken by the Refrigeration Electri-
International. CIO is a blended finance facility cal Engineering Corp. (REE).]
delivering renewable energy infrastructure pro- The first phase development of the wind farm
jects in emerging markets, and has been devel- will consist of 12 Vestas turbine units, each with 4
oping this project since 2017. MW capacity, generating 48 MW in total. Vestas
CIO is one of the funds managed by Climate will also service the wind farm for 20 years.
Fund Managers (CFM) an investment manager The development will also consist of a 22/110-
proudly contributing towards mitigating and kV station, with 1x63 MVA capacity, and c.21
building resilience to climate change in the areas kilometres of 110-kV transmission line.
most affected by its consequences. The turbines will be installed in water depths
ST International (STI) is a South Korean of between 3-7 metres, subject to tidal changes
energy company that is expanding its renewa- and locations, using multi-pile concrete capping
ble energy project footprint. TWPC is their first foundations.
investment in Vietnam. “Wind projects in emerging markets are
“MEM’s work was really key to the success challenging,” said Lars Lund, MEM’s Project
of this project,” stated Nathan Schmidt, head of Director. “Intertidal wind adds another layer of
Asia for CFM. “COVID made a challenging pro- complexity. Given the tight timeline to achieve
ject much more difficult. Given the risk COVID commercial operations in time to meet the
delays presented to our feed-in-tariff, having deadline for the feed-in-tariff, the complications
a world class team was absolutely necessary to added by COVID meant that really, only the best
safeguard our investment.” planned projects and project teams were suc-
“MEM is a valuable partner because we cessful. Tra Vinh had a great team, and I think
worked together from the beginning to the the work we put in planning during the develop-
end of TWPC project,” said Yonghoon Kim, ment phase of the project really paid off.”
STI’s Head of Renewables. “Despite numerous Power demands are expected to double
COVID constraints, MEM and our project team between 2020 and 2030 in Vietnam. To meet
successfully achieved COD prior to the FIT that need, the target wind capacity in Vietnam
deadline. Appreciate again for the dedication continues to rise, with the Vietnam Energy
and professionalism MEM has shown over the Association planning a capacity of 15-20GW
years. We are confident that MEM will respon- by 2030. MEM supports investors of land based
sibly complete the remaining windfarm’s tak- and intertidal wind projects in Vietnam with a
ing over processes and optimizing operational current estimated capacity over 1.5GW. Of that
management.” total, over 350MW are intertidal wind projects in
LOC, part of AqualisBraemar LOC, won a various stages of development.
contract in March to provide marine warranty
Week 49 08•December•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11