Page 8 - AsiaElec Week 49 2021
P. 8

AsiaElec                                          POLICY                                             AsiaElec

       UN’s Espinosa stresses need for

       quick follow up on Glasgow goals

        GLOBAL           UN climate chief Patricia Espinosa said govern-  “phase out” coal-fired power to “phase down.”
                         ments must quickly begin working to meet the   “It shows that there is a consensus around the
                         goals set at the COP26 conference in Glasgow as  notion that we need to get away from coal, and
                         part of the Glasgow Climate Pact.    we need to get away from fossil fuels as well, and
                           She told Reuters that that the deals and  also the clear understanding that this is not going
                         decisions made to limit global warming to 1.5  to happen overnight,” Espinosa said.
                         degrees Celsius left government with a long list   Looking ahead, Espinosa said that the main
                         of talks to be carried out before the next COP  task was to work with wealthy countries to meet
                         conference in Egypt in November 2022.  the target of $100bn per year in climate finance
                           “We have so much work to do,” she said. “We  for poorer states. She will work with countries
                         really have a very short time to produce results.”  on a framework to increase that amount beyond
                           The Glasgow Climate Pact, backed by nearly  2025.
                         200 countries, explicitly mentioned fossil fuels   That task is especially important, as it “will
                         and asks governments to accelerate emissions  give a lot of confidence to developing countries
                         cuts and to boost funding for poorer countries  before the COP starts in Egypt.”
                         struggling to adapt to a warmer world.  Espinosa said that countries would also be
                           Countries, companies and investors have  working to launch the so-called Santiago Net-
                         pledged to clean up emissions from cars and  work, a new permanent secretariat within the
                         planes, curb methane emissions, protect forests  UNFCCC created to help countries develop
                         and bolster green finance.           strategies to address the impacts of loss and dam-
                           However, all the agreements are volun-  ages caused by climate change.
                         tary, and they will require careful tracking and   Also planned is a new system for countries
                         scrutiny.                            to update their climate targets more frequently.
                           The few key victories achieved at Glasgow   Espinosa said that other issues to be
                         talks left Espinosa “hopeful,” she said. One of  addressed included development banks and
                         those victories saw delegates agree on rules for  financial institutions, which will be key sources
                         international trading of carbon offsets to meet  of funds and low-cost loans for developing and
                         national climate targets.            vulnerable nations.
                           The talks also recognised the need to fun   She said he would urge the World Bank and
                         adaption, which means that that vulnerable  the International Monetary Fund to prioritize
                         countries need more financial support both to  investments in projects to help developing
                         transition away from fossil fuels and to prepare  nations reduce their exposure to fossil fuels
                         for climate impacts like stronger storms and  and strengthen their resilience against climate
                         heatwaves.                           change .
                           Espinosa stressed that the mentions of coal   Developed countries need to reinforce this
                         and fossil fuels in the final agreements were a  message, she said, and she will press countries
                         major achievement.                   with influence on the boards of these institutions.
                           Any commitment to reduce the role of coal   “The question of how to change the portfolio
                         and fossil fuels was watered down by the cam-  of the (World) Bank is challenging,” she said. But
                         paign by China, India and other coal-dependent  “it is just necessary. We have no choice.”™
                         countries to change the initial commitment to

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