Page 5 - AsiaElec Week 49 2021
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AsiaElec                                     COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

       Fitch: Wind power pipeline up

       by almost 33% in six months

        GLOBAL           THE world’s wind project pipeline increased sig-  leads the global pipeline with the highest vol-
                         nificantly between the second and fourth quar-  ume of capacity, at 190 GW across all stages of
                         ters of 2021 as efforts to mitigate climate change  development.
                         continued to drive the adoption of renewables.   This highlights the advanced nature of these
                         This is according to a new report by Fitch Solu-  markets’ ambitions to bring on more renewable
                         tions, the US credit rating agency.  capacity amid reductions in fossil fuels, it said.
                           As much as 55% of that pipeline globally is   Ranking second in our KPD, Asia also main-
                         offshore, much of it in traditional Western mar-  tains a vast pipeline, says Fitch, although the
                         kets and throughout Asia, said Fitch.  report does highlight that the actual value may
                           Offshore wind has the lowest development  be larger than this, as the nature of some mar-
                         risks associated with the sector overall, although  kets in the region, such as China, means many
                         onshore still remains safer in several markets, the  projects are under-reported or are smaller than
                         report said.                         our KPD data capture thresholds.
                           “Our wind project pipeline registered in   This has resulted in the Chinese wind market
                         our Key Projects Database (KPD) continues  in particular being under-reported. While the
                         to expand with new impetus for growth amid  market has a 14-GW project pipeline, including
                         global climate initiatives, such as COP26 [UN  8 GW in offshore wind projects, Fitch data sug-
                         Climate conference in Glasgow in November],  gests that China will add 332 GW of wind capac-
                         to support larger wind capacity growth targets,”  ity over the coming decade.
                         said Fitch.                            Fitch highlights that globally, offshore
                           This is important because of the rush to tran-  wind has edged ahead of onshore wind for the
                         sition the energy sector to low- or non-carbon  first time, capturing 55% of the known pro-
                         sources. The wind industry is the most mature  ject pipeline against 45%. The value of the off-
                         of the renewable energy sectors, and as such, is  shore sector also outweighs the onshore space
                         a bellwether of the potential of clean energy to  with a total known value of $304bn compared
                         grow.                                with $137bn. However, Fitch stresses that this
                           According to the Fitch report, the North  only reflects the value for 806 projects against
                         America and Western Europe (NAWE) region  its 1,316 in the pipeline. This is also due to the

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