Page 12 - AsiaElec Week 49 2021
P. 12
AsiaElec RENEWABLES AsiaElec
Kawasaki sets 2030 carbon
neutral target, but only at
domestic operations
JAPAN JAPAN’S Kawasaki Heavy Industries aims to reduced,” Yasuhiko Hashimoto, president of
become carbon neutral at its domestic factories Kawasaki Heavy, told reporters and analysts.
and offices in 2030 by using electricity generated The company plans to slash the cost of hydro-
by a 100-MW hydrogen-fueled power plant it gen to JPY30 ($0.30) normal cubic metre by 2030
plans to build. from the JPY170 yen assumed in a $358mn pilot
The company is trying to make hydrogen a project, led by Kawasaki, to ship its first cargo of
key growth driver by building liquefied hydro- liquefied hydrogen from Australia to Japan, due
gen carriers, hydrogen power stations and other early next year. read more
facilities to create a global supply chain of the fuel Kawasaki’s goal is to boost its hydrogen-re-
that may help decarbonise industries and aid the lated sales, including carriers, power generation
global energy transition, Reuters reported. equipment and licensing fees, to JPY300bn in
Kawasaki aims to transport 225,000 tonnes 2030, and to JPY2 trillion in 2050.
of liquefied hydrogen from abroad to Japan in “We are getting many inquiries from all over
2030 and use 45,000 tonnes at the planned new the world to collaborate in hydrogen business,”
hydrogen power plant to provide electricity to its Hahimoto said.
domestic sites. Kawasaki and German energy company
Using energy-saving technology and carbon RWE said on they plan to collaborate in a hydro-
dioxide separation and capture technology, the gen-to-power demonstration project on indus-
company aims to bring down emissions at its trial scale in Lingen, Germany.
domestic sites from 300,000 tonnes in 2021 to Earlier in the year, the IEA identified that
reach net zero in 2030. Japan needed to quickly implement its energy
Japan aims for hydrogen- and ammonia-fired plans, and set out, and in future adjust, clear road
power generation to provide 1% of total electric- maps to achieve the 2050 goals.
ity by 2030. “Japan needs to accelerate the deployment
The targets forms part of Japan’s 2030 target of low-carbon technologies, remove regula-
for renewables, which now stands at 36-38%, up tory barriers and increase competition in its
from 22-24% previously. energy markets if it is to reach carbon-neutral-
“It’s our role to show everyone a pathway to ity by 2050,” said Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive
carbon neutrality using hydrogen... we want director.
to demonstrate it is feasible and cost can be
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 49 08•December•2021