Page 10 - AsiaElec Week 34 2021
P. 10
AsiaElec NUCLEAR AsiaElec
Falling costs of small modular reactors
could make nuclear competitive
ASIA SMALL modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) could and have enhanced safety features.
play a crucial role in meeting Paris Agreement “As more fossil fuel-fired power plants are
emissions reduction targets, increasing the pace retired around the world, brownfield sites and
of the electrification that is a mainstay of the transmission connections could be repurposed
energy transition, Wood Mackenzie said. to be used by SMRs. But capex costs must fall
“Today, over 125 GW of new large-scale 50% to compete with other flexible technolo-
nuclear capacity has been proposed, with China gies,” Sharma said.
being the largest contributor, accounting for a The levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) for
third of the pipeline. By 2050, the country will a new SMR is currently upwards of $$120 per
account for nearly half of global operational MWh for a typical market in Europe, the US or
nuclear capacity, which is expected to rise by 88% Japan.
from 2020 to hit 685 GW under a 2-degree Cel- It compares well with other flexible supply
sius scenario,” said Wood Mackenzie Asia-Pa- options for renewable energy such as fossil fuel
cific head of markets and transitions Prakash plants with CCS, bioenergy with CCS or hydro-
Sharma.: gen combustion.
However, the cost is key. “Using our pro- SMR costs can fall under $$80/MWh in the
prietary levelised cost of hydrogen model, we 2030s with government support, technology
estimate that if power from an SMR could be innovation and investments.
delivered at $65/MWh, and paired electrolysers China has achieved faster cost declines in
can be run at very high load factors, nuclear-pro- other technologies and could potentially repeat
duced hydrogen could compete with green the success in SMR nuclear.
hydrogen,” he added. Sharma said: “While the concept of SMRs
However, outside China, some countries are has been around for some time, there are only
pushing ahead with phase-out plans as nuclear a handful of them in operation or under con-
power faces high start-up costs and environmen- struction. Around 70 different SMR concepts in
tal opposition. different phases of development are happening
The world needs $2 trillion in capex to build around the world currently.
new power capacity to decarbonise power gener- “The challenge is to scale down the number
ation and keep average temperatures well below of concepts to realise cost reductions in a highly
2 degrees Celsius, Wood Mackenzie estimates. regulated industry.”
As electrification of industry develops and Government support for first-of-a-kind
power demand rises, flexible and affordable dis- design concepts and guaranteed offtake arrange-
patchable sources of power will be essential. ments for early-stage projects will be critical for
SMRs are an option, alongside carbon nuclear to support the full decarbonisation of
capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) and power generation.
hydrogen. Sharma said: “SMRs may still be at its infancy,
Typically within the range of 150-450 MW but its potential is endless. They can play a role
in size, SMRs offer a potential solution as they in producing low-carbon hydrogen, which is a
become lower cost, quicker and easier to con- cornerstone of almost all deep decarbonisation
struct, able to be sited in many more locations, scenarios.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 34 25•August•2021