Page 14 - AsiaElec Week 34 2021
P. 14

AsiaElec           NEWSBASE’S POWER ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG POWER)                                       AsiaElec

       NewsBase’s Power Roundup

       Global [NRG Power]

        POWER            WELCOME  to NewsBase’s Power Roundup  ation today to more than 40% by 2035, accord-
                         Global (NRG Power), in which the reader is  ing to a new issue brief by the US Department
                         invited to join our team of international editors,  of Energy (DoE). This could happen if the US
                         who provide a snapshot of some of the key issues  makes “historic investments”, says the brief.
                         affecting their regional beats. We hope you will like
                         NRG Power’s new concise format, but by clicking  ENERGO: Rosneft Boss Sechin Calls For
                         on the headline link for each section the full text  Russian Carbon Trading System To Be In-
                         will be available.                   ternationally Recognised
                                                              Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin has called on the
                         AFRELEC: Siemens Seals 200-MW Green  Kremlin to ensure that  the  EU  acknowledg-
                         Hydrogen Deal In Egypt               es Russia’s own CO2 emissions quota system
                         Siemens and Egyptian Electricity Holding Com-  when calculating how much carbon tax Rus-
                         pany (EEHC) are to develop a 200-MW pilot  sian exporters must pay on their supplies to
                         green hydrogen production as part of a long-  the bloc. Sechin made the appeal in a letter to
                         term effort to tap Egypt’s large renewable power  Russian President Vladimir Putin, warning that
                         resources for H2 production and export.  the border taxes could inflict far greater dam-
                                                              age to the Russian economy than international
                         REM: By 2035, Solar Could Be 40% Of  sanctions.
                         US Electricity Generation, Says Biden Ad-
                         Large-scale decarbonisation of the US electrici-  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         ty sector could increase solar from 3% of gener-  Picks for free by email each week here. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   25•August•2021
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