Page 13 - AsiaElec Week 34 2021
P. 13
AsiaElec NEWS IN BRIEF AsiaElec
The renewable subsidiary of Tata Power has that,” Griffin told the ABC. “We’re still refining technologies for the plant before the end of
successfully commissioned a 100MW solar that precise figure but we’ll have more to say 2021. The project is expected to be operational
power project in the Indian state of Gujarat. about that at the end of September.” by the end of June 2022.
It is expected to generate 255mn units of The proposed AAPL already includes a 14 The plant will be located at Adamjee
electricity and help reduce 200,000 tonnes of GW solar farm featuring the prefabricated, Export Processing Zone (EPZ) to ensure a
carbon emissions every year. pre-wired Maverick solar PV system designed reliable and efficient supply of electricity.
The addition of the solar plant – awarded by Sydney-based manufacturer 5B. The The project is expected to encourage more
by Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam – takes the total renewable energy generation will be coupled investments, industrial activities, and job
installed renewable capacity of Tata Power with an estimated 33 GWh of battery storage. creation in the EPZ.
Renewable Energy Limited (TPREL) to The project, being developed on a The announcement comes at a time
nearly 2,800MW, with 1,865MW of solar and 12,000-hectare site at Powell Creek in Bangladesh is struggling to provide reliable
932MW of wind. the Barkly Region, is expected to supply electricity to its 160mn customers. The
It also has an additional 1,234MW power to Darwin and to Singapore via a country is turning to coal and energy imports
of renewable energy projects under 4,500-kilometre high-voltage direct-current to address power shortages.
implementation. (HVDC) transmission network, including a Despite the efforts by the government,
Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power 750km overhead transmission line from the power outages remain a common thing and
said: “We are proud to announce that TPREL solar farm to Darwin and a 3,800km HVDC are hindering foreign investments to be made
has commissioned the 100MW project at one submarine cable from Darwin to Singapore. within the economy, according to the IEEE
of the biggest solar parks in the country in The project is expected to generate enough Sprectrum.
Gujarat. We are steadfast in our conviction renewable electricity to power more than 3mn Mohammad Moyeen, Chairman of Sigma
towards promoting the realisation of clean homes a year. Powertech, said: “This is an important project
and green energy in the country through solar Griffin said the capacity increase had for the region and for the continued economic
power generation.” been driven by customer demand for more growth of Bangladesh through export
consistent renewable energy generation and enhancement as per government’s initiative.
improvements in solar PV technology. “Growth throughout the industrial sector
“Our customers are wanting more is very much dependent on having a reliable
TRANSMISSION electricity supplied on a flatter profile so power supply, and the new power plant will
more 24/7 rather than the traditional load provide this.”
Sun Cable extends cable profile,” he said. “The other factor is simply infrastructure in Bangladesh aging and energy
With the majority of energy generation
improvements in the technology.”
plans demand increasing, the development of new
assets and modernisation of existing ones is
Sun Cable’s has extended plans to build the critical for a secure energy supply.
Australia-ASEAN Power Link (AAPL), which GAS-FIRED GENERATION The International Trade Administration is
would export solar energy from Australia’s working with the government of Bangladesh
Outback to Singapore via a submarine Wartsila to deliver 40MW to raise $70bn over the 15 years to increase
transmission link, announcing it will produce power generation capacity. Demand for
much more electricity than originally planned. power plant in Bangladesh electricity in Bangladesh is projected to reach
Sun Cable chief executive David Griffin 40 GW by 2030.
said that improvements in solar PV Sigma Powertech has selected Wärtsilä for Henri Boxtel, Energy Business Director
technology meant the proposed solar farm the construction of a 40MW power plant in for South Asia at Wärtsilä, said projects
will be significantly larger than the 14 GW Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. like Adamjee EPZ “represent a new kind
originally planned. Finland-headquartered Wärtsilä will of industrial development concept for
“It will certainly be a material uplift from provide four natural gas engines and related Bangladesh and we expect more of those to
“Typically, these developments require the
power generation to be flexible, efficient and
reliable, and our technology fits these needs
Week 34 25•August•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13