Page 12 - AsiaElec Week 34 2021
P. 12

AsiaElec                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec


                                                                                India’s ReNew Power

                                                                                completes NASDAQ listing

                                                                                Indian IPP ReNew Power has completed
                                                                                its planned business merger with RMG
                                                                                Acquisition Corporation (RMG II) and has
                                                                                today began trading on the NASDAQ.
                                                                                  RMG II has become a wholly owned
                                                                                subsidiary of ReNew Energy Global plc, with
                                                                                the latter receiving $610mn in net proceeds
                                                                                from the arrangement.
                                                                                  The deal has created India’s largest publicly
                                                                                traded renewable energy company by total
                                                                                electricity generation, ReNew said in a media
                                                                                  Its board of directors will be comprised
                                                                                of ten members. Six will be independent
                                                                                directors as per the NASDAQ listing
                                                                                standards and US Securities and Exchange
       has long resisted large-scale development   Greenpeace said.             Commission rules.
       in these areas to protect their landscape and   Local planning agencies approved 24 new   The board of directors will be led by
       ecosystems.                         coal-fired power plants with a total capacity   ReNew chairman and CEO Sumant Sinha
         But with Environment Minister Shinjiro   of 5.2 GW in the first six months of 2021,   and will also include Robert Mancini, CEO of
       Koizumi calling this year for greater   Greenpeace said, Reuters reported.  RMG II.
       development of resources within such parks,   The figure is down nearly 80% from a year   “With a strong balance sheet, bolstered by
       the push for geothermal energy has gained   earlier, when new projects surged to help   over $870mn of cash from the transaction,
       momentum. The new phase of exploration   China’s post-lockdown recovery, but it puts   ReNew offers investors a unique way to
       will stretch from Hokkaido’s ski country in the   total planned capacity on China’s provincial   play the continued and accelerating clean
       north to Kyushu, famous for Beppu and other   project lists at 104.8 GW, it said - enough to   electrification trend seen across the global
       hot spring resorts, in the southwest.  power the whole of the United Kingdom.  economy,” said Mancini.
         The country aims to reduce greenhouse   Earlier this month, a UN climate panel   “We have the ability to do even more in
       gas emissions by 46% between fiscal 2013   said global warming is dangerously close to   bringing affordable, reliable, green, utility-
       and fiscal 2030 on its way to achieving   spiralling out of control and urged immediate,   scale power supply to more people and
       net-zero emissions by 2050. Energy from   rapid and large-scale action to reduce   businesses in India through implementation
       underground heat is seen as contributing to   emissions. read more       of our proprietary software and AI-enabled
       that goal in Japan, given its stability compared   China, the world’s biggest energy consumer  monitoring capabilities,” said Sinha.
       with other renewable sources like solar and   and source of climate-warming greenhouse   ReNew has substantially bolstered its
       wind. Government plans call for geothermal   gas, has said it aims to bring carbon emissions   portfolio this month with the acquisition of
       accounting for 1% of electricity production in   to a peak by 2030 and to net zero by 2060.   two operating renewable energy portfolios in
       fiscal 2030.                        read more                            India – 260MW/330MWp solar projects in the
         METI, which is responsible for Japan’s   However, it will not start cutting coal   state of Telangana and a 99MW hydropower
       energy policy, will request 18.3bn yen   consumption until 2026. Up to then, the   facility in Uttarakhand, the company’s first
       ($166mn) in the fiscal 2022 budget for   central government has pledged to “control”   hydro asset.
       exploration and development of new   the number of new coal projects going into   In addition, it has signed a power purchase
       geothermal sources, up roughly 60% from   operation.                     agreement (PPA) for a 400MW renewables
       11bn yen allocated in 2021.            “’Control’ doesn’t necessarily mean not   project that will supply Round-The-Clock
                                           approving new coal power plants, so we are   (RTC) electricity supply, which the company
                                           still seeing new approvals,” said Li Danqing, a   claims is the first of its kind in India.
                                           Greenpeace climate and energy campaigner in
       COAL                                Beijing, adding that local authorities still have
                                           the power to launch projects without Beijing’s
       China’s provinces maintain          authorisation.                       SOL AR
                                              “The dynamic between the central and
       100 GW coal plan                    local government is still the core problem,” Li   Tata Power commissions
                                           said. “That’s why we are advocating that the
       China’s provinces are still planning to launch   central government should supervise tightly   100MW solar power project
       more than 100 GW of new coal-fired power   and carry out specific policies to control the
       capacity despite a decline in new approvals   expansion of coal power capacity.”  in India
       in the first half of 2021, environmental group

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