Page 11 - AfrElec Annual Review 2021
P. 11

AfrElec                                            M AY                                              AfrElec

       Ethiopia goes ahead with GERD

       filling despite regional tensions

        ETHIOPIA         ETHIOPIA began the second filling of the res-  concrete works at the top of the middle corridor
                         ervoir at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam  at the dam had been completed, meaning that
                         (GERD) in early May.                 the existing infrastructure might not be able to
                           A Sudanese irrigation ministry official said  cope with more water.
                         that further construction work at GERD had   “It is possible that Ethiopia will not be able
                         already allowed the second filling to begin, with  to achieve the second storage in its full capacity
                         it set to continue in July and August following  (13.5 bcm),” he said. “The ramp may be less than
                         seasonal rains, Reuters reported.    10 metres instead of 30 metres, and storing less
                           Filling the dam for the second summer in a  than 13.5 bcm is the expected situation.”
                         could cause tensions with Egypt and Sudan, as   This comes despite Addis Ababa’s repeated
                         the countries have failed to agree on filling the  statements that the second filling of the GERD
                         dam.                                 would commence in July as planned.
                           Ethiopia had on May 25 stated that it was   The whole GERD question threatens to pro-
                         committed to implementing the second phase  mote political instability in the region.
                         of filling the dam in summer 20201 despite the   At the weekend, the US announced new sanc-
                         lack of progress in talks with Egypt and Sudan.  tions against Ethiopia, imposing visa restrictions
                           Addis Ababa said that it has followed the  on Ethiopian and Eritrean officials accused of
                         spirit of the African Union (AU)-sponsored  crimes related to the six-month conflict in Tigray
                         GERD talks carried out so far, and that it was  region.
                         confident that talks would resume.     The region has seen bloody armed conflict
                           Ethiopia wants to add 13.5bn cubic metres  between the Ethiopian government and the
                         of water during the second filling in the GERD  Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).
                         reservoir in July, according to press statements   In a statement, US Secretary of State Antony
                         by Egypt’s irrigation minister.      Blinken also announced that restrictions would
                           Both Egypt and Sudan are against the move,  be imposed on economic and security assis-
                         as there is no legally binding international agree-  tance to Ethiopia, but that humanitarian aid
                         ment governing the operation.        would remain for areas such as health, food and
                           In response to Ethiopia’s actions, the Egyp-  education.
                         tian media questioned whether Ethiopia would   The US restrictions target “current or for-
                         in fact be able to carry out the filling this summer.  mer Ethiopian or Eritrean government officials,
                           Abbas Sharaky, a professor of geology and  members of the security forces, or other individ-
                         water resources at Cairo University, explained  uals – to include Amhara regional and irregular
                         that water levels had risen at the dam in recent  forces and members of the Tigray People’s Lib-
                         weeks, adding that about 1 bcm of water fallen on  eration Front (TPLF) – responsible for, or com-
                         the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia in the past three  plicit in, undermining resolution of the crisis in
                         weeks.                               Tigray”.™
                           However, he warned that not enough

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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