Page 16 - AfrElec Annual Review 2021
P. 16

AfrElec                                        SEPTEMBER                                              AfrElec

       Green Deal, CBAM poses high risks

       to Africa, Eastern Europe

        AFRICA           THE EU’s Green Deal and Carbon Border   Mozambique’s lower GDP and low level of
                         Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will hit the  economic development mean the complex-
                         EU’s trading partners in Africa and non-EU  ity and cost of reporting the carbon content of
                         Eastern Europe particularly hard, with countries  export products is a particular challenge. The
                         that are highly dependent on trade with Europe  country still does not have the expertise, capacity
                         and too weak to change trading patterns quickly  or reliable data to quantify its carbon footprint.
                         set to face the most risk.             Bosnia and Herzegovina, meanwhile, needs
                           A new study from the Institute for Advanced  more investment in the low-carbon transition.
                         Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, Ger-  “Previous experience of low-carbon tran-
                         many warned that the EU’s efforts to prevent car-  sitions in energy-intensive industries shows
                         bon leakage and to create a level-playing field for  that these require large-scale investment over a
                         promoting decarbonisation will damage exports  longer period. Efforts to mobilise and subsidise
                         from these regions.                  investment in these industries are already under-
                           If trading volumes fall, then the CBAM could  way within the EU. Manufacturers in Bosnia and
                         actually miss its stated target of tackling carbon  Herzegovina will struggle to ‘go green’ at a pace
                         leakage and reducing emissions across the world.  sufficient to remain competitive in the EU,” says
                           The report noted that the CBAM’s impact on  co-author Silvia Weko.
                         trading patterns and on carbon-intensive indus-  Measuring the cost of the CBAM to export-
                         tries is unevenly distributed across Africa and  ers into the EU has so far been an inexact sci-
                         Eastern Europe.                      ence. The green think-tank E3G has estimated
                           For Morocco, a reliance on fossil fuels to  that Russia would face the highest additional net
                         generate electricity leaves little room for a rapid  costs of €602mn by 2035, coming mainly from
                         decarbonisation. This means that its exports to  iron and steel imports.
                         the EU, from clothes to food, will have a high   For China, the new costs would stand at
                         carbon footprint, making them liable to a high  €208mn by 2035, the report found.
                         CBAM levy.                             The EU revealed details of the CBAM in July
                           Mozambique, meanwhile, is in a possi-  2021, and expects to have the system up and run-
                         bly worse situation, as the country lacks the  ning by 2026.
                         resources to reliably measure and verify the car-  To address the problem, the report calls on
                         bon footprint of its exports.        the EU to send some of its future CBAM reve-
                           The CBAM could in fact narrow the country’s  nues to countries that will be severely impacted
                         trading options rather than act as an incentive to  by the CBAM, such as the very vulnerable devel-
                         decarbonise, as there is no data available to make  oping countries.
                         the system work,                       This could then be used to fund decarboni-
                           Bosnia-Herzegovina features a poorly diver-  sation measures in Africa and Eastern Europe.
                         sified list of trading partners and export goods:   For example, the money could fund technical
                         72% of its exports, headed by steel and alumin-  assistance programmes in the steel and alumin-
                         ium, go to the EU, which the country hopes to  ium sectors, two areas that will be affected the
                         join in the future.                  most by the CBAM.
                           “Exposure relates to the importance of trade   “If the Carbon Border Adjustment Mecha-
                         with the EU for the economy in question. Vul-  nism is to contribute to climate protection, the
                         nerability, in turn, can be defined as the inability  EU should provide financial and technical sup-
                         to adapt by, for example, shifting trade flows, or  port to those countries for which it represents a
                         decarbonising and verifying a product’s carbon  considerable risk. These countries simply lack
                         content,” said report lead author Laima Eicke.  the resources to afford the massive investments
                           Morocco’s energy infrastructure, as well as its  required for decarbonisation,” said Eicke.
                         existing long-term power purchase agreements   Other possible measures include provid-
                         (PPAs), create a strong path dependency that  ing capacity-building expertise to promote the
                         leaves little room for a rapid decarbonisation,  uptake of best practices to reduce emissions
                         the report said.                     in the energy-intensive and trade-exposed
                           This emissions-intensive energy system  industries.
                         increases the carbon footprint of products pro-  European partner countries could also pro-
                         duced in Morocco and is likely to result in a large  vide training in emissions monitoring, reporting
                         levy under the CBAM.                 and verification.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                                Annual Review 2021
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