Page 14 - AfrElec Annual Review 2021
P. 14
AfrElec JULY AfrElec
Auwalu said at the time that the government continued to make travel a difficult proposition.
had pushed the end date in the bidding round But there may be other issues in play – such
back by six weeks and would take the next step at as, for example, the fact that the government has
the appropriate time. So far, though, no further still not succeeded in securing the passage of the
progress has been made. Just a few weeks ago, Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), which is designed
Auwalu acknowledged that Abuja had not gone to establish a new legal and regulatory regime for
beyond shortlisting the 200 companies. He did the domestic oil and gas industry. The PIB may
not reveal the factors underlying the additional turn out to be a crucial element in the success
delays. of NGFCP and other gas-related initiatives, as it
Presumably, the pandemic is one of the main provides for the creation of a new state agency to
reasons DPR has not yet been able to move for- oversee commercial, operational and technical
ward. The world economy at large and the energy operations in the downstream and midstream
industry in particular are still recovering from gas sector. If so, the first bidding round for com-
the ravages of 2020, and the emergence of new mercialisation of associated gas may not be con-
variants of COVID-19 around the world has cluded until the legislation is approved.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Annual Review 2021