Page 12 - AfrElec Annual Review 2021
P. 12

AfrElec                                            JUNE                                               AfrElec

       EU, IEA call for energy access to be

       centre of African development finance

        AFRICA           EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans and IEA  governments.
                         Executive Director Fatih Birol said that Africa   He also called for private investment, saying
                         could achieve universal access to power by 2030  that public funding alone was not enough. Pri-
                         if the rest of the world, led by Europe, puts energy  vate sector investments would be key and many
                         access at the centre of their economic co-opera-  European companies are ready to step in.
                         tion with Africa.                      Universal energy access has long been a cen-
                           He said that 30% of the EU’s international  tral target of the African Development Bank
                         economic co-operation budget would be spent  (AfDB).
                         combating climate change.              Indeed, the AfDB and the European Bank
                           Timmermans and Birol pointed out that  for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
                         Africa was the world’s premium location to har-  recently identified that Africa had a $2.5 trillion
                         ness solar energy and is already demonstrating  annual financing gap for development.
                         that a cleaner path is possible.       The two have signed a new partnership to
                           This contrasts with Asia, where much of the  ensure increased participation of the private
                         electrification seen in the past 20 years has been  sector in financing and implementation of sus-
                         powered by coal.                     tainable projects.
                           Africa’s renewables potential is well known,   The EBRD and AfDB are partnering to
                         but it has so far been underexploited.  encourage, source and provide new funding to
                           Timmermans said that 20mn people per year  help bridge this $2.5 trillion gap.
                         had gained access to electricity for the first time   The AfDB also noted in January that COVID-
                         between 2014 and 2019, largely because of solar  19 was increasing poverty across the African con-
                         and hydro.                           tinent and threatening markets and livelihoods.
                           However, more urgent action is needed, and   The AfDB and the EU-backed European
                         the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has caused  Investment Bank (EIB) in January signed an
                         significant setbacks for progress towards univer-  agreement to boost public and private sector
                         sal energy access by 2030.           investment in Africa, especially in major infra-
                           In 2020, the number of people in sub-Saharan  structure, power and sustainability projects.
                         Africa without access to electricity actually grew.   The EIB noted that development finance was
                         This was the first rise in seven years, and was  crucial to sustainable development.
                         caused by pandemic restrictions holding back   The EIB and AfDB’s shared loan portfolio has
                         work to connect homes, businesses, schools and  grown to €3.4bn over the past five years, which
                         hospitals.                           has leveraged investment totalling €10.2bn for 26
                           Growth in access-to-power had also failed to  projects across the continent.
                         keep pace with population growth.      The AfDB’s Desert to Power Initiative, mean-
                           Timmermans stressed that the IEA and  while, aims to mobilise public and private fund-
                         the European Commission, through its Green  ing to install 10 GW of solar power by 2025 in
                         Energy Initiative, were putting clean energy  11 countries in the Sahel region of the African
                         access at the heart of collaboration with African  continent.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                                Annual Review 2021
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