Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 10

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Rosneft books second gas discovery

       this year in Yakutia

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN oil giant Rosneft has reported its sec-  infrastructure and few major consumers of
                         ond gas find in the remote Yakutia region in the  gas. As a result, many gas fields are currently
       But the company's gas   Far East this year.            stranded.
       assets in the region are   The discovery, named Kederginskoye, has   TYNGD’s flagship asset is the Srednetuob-
       stranded.         had its reserves booked at 40bn cubic metres of  inskoye oilfield in Yakutia, where Rosneft held
                         gas and 2mn tonnes of condensate, according to  a tender for production drilling in March. The
                         Rosneft. It was made by Rosneft’s Taas-Yuryakh  field’s oil is pumped to Asia-Pacific markets via
                         Neftegazodobycha (TYNGD) joint venture with  the Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipe-
                         BP and Indian firms Oil India, Indian Oil and  line. But its significant associated gas is undevel-
                         Bharat Petroleum.                    oped. All told, TYNGD owns 10 licences in total,
                           TYNGD made another discovery in Yakutia  containing 66 bcm in proven and probable gas
                         in January, containing 75 bcm of gas and 1.4mn  reserves, according to a 2018 appraisal by DeG-
                         tonnes of condensate. That one was named Ivan  olyer & MacNaughton. But its gas production is
                         Kulbertinov.                         minimal.
                           Eastern Yakutia is gas prone, hosting a num-  One company in Yakutia looking to over-
                         ber of large-sized fields including Gazprom’s  come these challenges is Yakutsk Fuel and
                         Chayandinskoye field. But commercialising  Energy Co. (YATEC), which plans to export as
                         this gas is a challenge. Gazprom sends Chayan-  much as 17mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG
                         dinsoye’s gas to China via the 38 bcm per year  from a liquefaction terminal on Yakutia’s east
                         Power of Siberia, launched in December. But  coast. This terminal would connect with the
                         other operators are barred from using the pipe-  company’s gas fields in the region’s west via a
                         line under Russian law.              1,300-km pipeline. The project’s cost is esti-
                           The region is scarcely populated, with limited  mated at $30-35bn. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2021
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