Page 7 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 7

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                         well as a complaint to the European Commission  that Washington would provide an extra $1bn in
                         about possible violations of antitrust legislation.  financing for Three Seas.
                           Overgas maintains 2,100 km of Bulgaria’s   US President Joe Biden has in contrast shied
                         gas distribution network and supplies gas to  away from actively promoting the interests of US
                         51 municipalities. It is the biggest independent  LNG exporters, amid growing antipathy towards
                         natural gas supplier and trader on the Bulgarian  the industry among voters. Nevertheless, Wash-
                         market.                              ington helped facilitate a preliminary deal being
                           Linden said the deal aligned with the Three  reached in March this year between ExxonMo-
                         Seas Initiative, established in 2015. Involving  bil, US floating LNG operator Excelerate Energy
                         Bulgaria and 11 other EU states, the initiative  and Albania’s government on developing a
                         was set up largely to counter countries’ eco-  regasification terminal in the Balkan country.
                         nomic reliance on Russia. A key focus is support
                         for gas infrastructure investments, with the cur-  Greek hub plansThe completion of its gas link
                         rent roster of projects it supports including a gas  with Bulgaria will help establish Greece as a key
                         link being built between Poland and Lithuania,  transit route and trading hub for natural gas.
                         planned LNG terminals in Croatia and Estonia,  Since early 2020, Greece has also been transit-
                         and the Ionic Adriatic Pipeline (IAP), slated to  ing gas from Azerbaijan on route to Italy via the
                         run through the Balkans.             Southern Gas Corridor.
                           While dressed as a regional development   Greece produces little gas of its own, relying
                         initiative, Three Seas is also implicitly aimed at  primarily on supplies from Russia and Azer-
                         expanding the market for US gas in Europe. It  baijan as well as LNG deliveries arriving at the
                         had strong backing from the Trump administra-  Revithoussa regasification terminal near Athens.
                         tion, which was more openly supportive of the  In addition to IGB, the country’s hub role will be
                         US LNG industry. In February last year former  further bolstered by the possible construction of
                         US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced  a new pipeline from Bulgaria to Serbia. ™

                                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT

       Sakhalin Energy shuts LNG plant

       for repairs, overhaul

        RUSSIA           SAKHALIN Energy has shut down its gas pro-  Piltun-Astokhskaya B platform, resulting in a
                         duction and LNG facilities in the Russian Far  reduction in LNG shipments. The consortium
       The project has had   East for scheduled repairs and modernisation  has three offshore platforms in total that fuel the
       several downtime   work that will continue into August, the consor-  LNG plant and deliver oil to Asian markets via
       periods this year,   tium reported on July 12.         tanker.
       but will run without   Sakhalin Energy, whose shareholders include   Russia’s other main LNG plant, the
       interruption in 2022.  Gazprom, Royal Dutch Shell and Japanese com-  Novatek-operated 16.5mn tpy Yamal LNG facil-
                         panies Mitsui and Mitsubishi, said the work had  ity in the Arctic, is also scheduled for annual
                         been factored in its LNG shipping plan for the  maintenance between August 1 and 19. At a time
                         year. The Sakhalin LNG terminal has a 9.6mn  when gas prices are soaring amid hot weather,
                         tonne per year (tpy) nameplate liquefaction  weak LNG supply and increased storage needs,
                         capacity, and primarily supplies gas to the Jap-  Gazprom’s Nord Stream and Yamal-Europe
                         anese market.                        pipeline are also due to go offline for mainte-
                           During the downtime, Sakhalin Energy said  nance this month, following downtime at the
                         its key facilities would undergo an overhaul and  company’s TurkStream pipeline in June. ™
                         modernisation. This includes the Lunskaya-A
                         gas platform and port infrastructure in Prigor-
                         odnoye, it said. Thanks to this work, the project
                         should operate without interruptions in 2022.
                         Specifically, two of the four loading arms used
                         for transfering LNG into tankers are due to be
                         replaced, and a compressor unit at one of the
                         LNG plant’s liquefaction trains will be repaired.
                           Sakhalin Energy already carried out repairs
                         in March at the LNG plant that lasted a month.
                         And between June 1 and 21, it repaired the

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