Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Russian wholesale gasoline

       prices approach record highs

        RUSSIA           THE price of gasoline on the St Petersburg  damper mechanism means they cannot jack up
                         International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX)  prices without making their supplies uncompet-
       The price spike has   has approached its all-time record, amid rising  itive versus those of rival, integrated operators.
       put the squeze on   international oil prices and increased summer   The Russian Fuel Union, representing inde-
       independent fuel   demand for motor fuels.             pendent filling station operators, has filed a
       retailers.          Prices for AI-95 and AI-98 gasoline grades  letter to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
                         increased by 0.8% at SPIMEX on July 7 to  complaining that since December last year, the
                         RUB58,900 ($788) and RUB55,500 ($743)  exchange prices for AI-92 and AI-95 gasoline
                         per tonne respectively. The holiday season has  had increased by 25.6% and 29.7% respectively,
                         driven up fuel demand in Russia, while oil prices  the Moscow-based Kommersant newspaper
                         have grown increasingly bullish in recent weeks,  reports. In contract, retail prices have only
                         especially since OPEC+’s failure this week to  increased by 4.6-4.9%.
                         agree on production policy in August.  These conditions mean that independent
                           Gasoline prices are nearing the all-time high  station operators have been running at a loss
                         that they reached in 2018. During that crisis,  for a sustained period, putting them at risk of
                         high wholesale prices fed into high prices at  bankruptcy and closure, the union warned in
                         pumps. That was until the government intro-  its letter.
                         duced the so-called damper mechanism in   The government has already taken sev-
                         Russian oil taxation, which gives suppliers more  eral steps over the past year to try and stem
                         incentive to keep costs for motorists low. Under  any further growth in wholesale prices. When
                         this mechanism, suppliers must pay more into  prices spiked last summer, after fuel demand
                         the budget when indicative domestic pump  rebounded faster than expected after corona-
                         prices are higher than export netbacks. Con-  virus lockdowns were eased, the government
                         versely, they can collect a subsidy when the situ-  raised the minimum amounts of gasoline and
                         ation is reversed.                   diesel that suppliers are required to sell on
                           While this has spared Russian motorists from  SPIMEX. Then in May, the government set new
                         high prices, the current state of the market has  rules obliging large integrated oil companies to
                         put pressure on independent filling station oper-  plan how much fuel they intend to sell on the
                         ators. On the one hand, these operators must pay  exchange in a given month. These measures were
                         high wholesale prices, while on the other, the  seemingly ineffectual. ™

       Week 28   14•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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