Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Linden eyes LNG exports

       to Bulgaria

       Linden is investing in Overgas to establish a channel for US LNG supplies into Bulgaria

        BULGARIA         US-BASED Linden Energy has struck a deal to  an active role in supporting Overgas’ efforts to
                         buy a stake in Bulgarian gas trader Overgas, fol-  diversify the energy market in Bulgaria by add-
       WHAT:             lowing a recent divestment by Russia’s Gazprom.  ing other sources of natural gas, one possibility
       US-based Linden is set to   Linden said its investment would help Bul-  being US LNG.”
       buy a stake in Bulgarian   garia diversify its energy mix, potentially via   Overgas was formed by Gazprom and Bul-
       gas trader Overgas.  the import of US LNG. The company said it  garian businessman Sasho Dontchev backed in
                         intended to reserve 10% of the capacity of the  1995, and Russian gas was supplied to Bulgaria
       WHY:              Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), due  through the venture until the end of 2015. The
       Linden sees potential for   online next year. The 3bn cubic metre (bcm) per  Bulgarian authorities pushed at the time for Gaz-
       US exports into Bulgaria.  year pipeline will enable Bulgaria to access LNG  prom to enter into a direct gas supply contract
                         coming ashore at Greek regasification terminals,  with state company Bulgargaz and as of 2016,
       WHAT NEXT:        as well as supplies traversing Greece along the  Bulgargaz remained the sole Bulgarian recipient
       The US has traditionally   Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).  of Russian gas.
       supported its LNG   “I believe that Overgas is the perfect partner   Following the halt of supplies, Overgas chal-
       industry in Europe, but   to expand from a leader in the Bulgarian gas  lenged the ending of its contract with Gazprom
       Biden has shied away   market to a leader across the Balkan region,”  in 2015, filing a lawsuit against the Russian com-
       from actively promoting   Linden President Stephen Payne commented.  pany with the International Court of Arbitration
       its interests.    “In addition to our investment, Linden will take  of the International Chamber of Commerce, as

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2021
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