Page 14 - AfrOil Week 02 2022
P. 14

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       The Company is advancing the current explo-  K-Field.
       ration programme with the acquisition of infill   As previously disclosed, the Company
       seismic data for a planned H1-2022 basin open-  announced a merged concession agreement with
       ing drilling campaign.              a 15-year primary term and improved Company
         SG 4571 (Special Grant Permit 4571) was  economics in early December, 2020, and parlia-
       granted in August 2017. The Company entered  mentary ratification and Presidential signature
       into the second exploration period in August  into law of the new Agreement in December,
       2020, which runs until June 2024. Invictus has  2021. The Company and Egyptian counter-
       an 80% equity stake in SG4571 via its subsidiary  parties anticipate signing the new Agreement,
       Geo Associates (Private) Ltd.       along with payment by the Company of the first
       Invictus Energy, January 12 2022    modernisation payment ($15mn) and signature
                                           bonus ($1mn), in the coming weeks. The effec-
                                           tive date for the improved concession terms in
       PERFORMANCE                         the new Agreement is February 1, 2020.
                                              The Company is in the process of finalising a
       TransGlobe Energy                   2022 work programme and budget that reflects  patronage of the Ministry of Mines and Energy
                                                                                led by Minister Tom Alweendo.
                                           our focus on free cash flow through contin-
       provides update on                  ued development activities on the contingent   Under the theme, “The Energy Mix: Posi-
                                           resource projects previously disclosed, and  tioning for Investment, industrialisation and
       Egyptian drilling campaign          production-sustaining infrastructure improve-  Growth,” this thought leadership event will
                                           ments. The Company anticipates maintaining a  convene energy stakeholders with investors and
       Eastern Desert (100% WI): The Company  single drilling rig, along with a light rig for well  international partners to drive industry growth
       continued to use the EDC-64 rig in its Eastern  maintenance and recompletion activities in the  and development as well as promote Namibia
       Desert drilling campaign, managing to drill  Eastern Desert throughout 2022.  and Africa as the destination for energy invest-
       and case three additional development wells in   Western Desert – South Ghazalat (100% WI):  ments. Participating companies, international
       K-Field and H-Field during the quarter.  Natural flow of SGZ-6X well at South Ghazalat  investors, service companies and various inter-
         K-66 was drilled to a total depth of 1,809  ceased in December due to low reservoir pres-  national delegations, will share updates on explo-
       metres, encountering good gas and oil shows  sure, and rigless-deployed artificial lift equip-  ration activities, green hydrogen and regional gas
       in the Asl-A, Asl-B, Asl-D, Asl-E, and Asl-F  ment has been mobilized to site in an attempt  and other ongoing projects and announce future
       reservoirs. Hole instability issues prevented  to restore production. Immediately prior to the  projects while highlighting upcoming business
       wireline logging of certain zones, however the  well-ceasing production, the lower Bahariya res-  and investment opportunities.
       Asl-A and Asl-B were logged and evaluated,  ervoir at SGZ-6X was producing at a field esti-  The conference will bring together various
       with an internally estimated 25.1 metres of net  mated 240 bpd of light crude oil with a 71.5%  perspectives from across the energy value chain
       oil pay in the Asl-A and 20.3 metres net oil pay  watercut.              to serve as a catalyst for crucial conversations
       in the Asl-B. The Asl-B was perforated, put on   Initial well testing of the oil-bearing lower  shaping the future of energy in Namibia and the
       production, and is currently producing at a rate  Bahariya reservoir discovered in the SGZ-7B  rest of the continent.
       of 160 bpd heavy crude oil (field estimate). The  exploration well drilled in October 2021 has   “There are a lot of world-class energy pro-
       well is expected to be recompleted on the Asl-A  indicated low productivity and sub-commercial  ducers active in the region, so it is important
       once the Asl-B is exhausted. The deeper zones  flowrates. The well has been suspended pending  that their leadership join the conversation and
       encountered by the well, the Asl-D, Asl-E, and  further evaluation of options to improve pro-  showcase opportunities. We will bring inter-
       Asl-F reservoirs, are being considered as targets  ductivity on the lower Bahariya reservoir, and to  national and regional players to help drive the
       in future drilling. Heavy crude is the expected  assess the commercial potential of the gas-bear-  discussions around energy development and
       product type for all zones mentioned.  ing upper Bahariya reservoir.     transition, enabling environment, local content
         HE-2 was drilled to 1,800 metres total depth,   TransGlobe Energy, January 10 2022  and capacity building and the development of an
       encountering an internally estimated net oil pay                         environmental safety culture,” concluded Ndap-
       of 4 metres in the Asl-B reservoir after being fully                     wilapo Selma Shimutwikeni, Managing Director
       logged and evaluated. The expected product type   POLICY                 of RichAfrica.
       is heavy crude. The well was perforated in the                             The conference will take a close look at global
       Asl-B and is currently on production at a rate of   Namibia’s International   and continental energy perspectives and their
       220 bpd heavy crude oil (field estimate).                                impact, the latest developments in the oil and
         K-68 was drilled to a total depth of 1,403   Energy Conference set     gas industry, the status of the power & electric-
       metres. The well was fully logged and evaluated,                         ity market, the role of natural gas as well as the
       with an internally estimated 22.9 metres of net   for April 20-22, 2022 in   future of renewables. It will also feature relevant
       oil pay in the Asl-A reservoir and 4.6 metres of                         topics such as financing the energy sector, infra-
       net oil pay in the Asl-B reservoir. The well will be   Windhoek          structure development, ESG matters and the
       perforated in the Asl-A reservoir and put on pro-                        African Continental Free Trade Area.
       duction in January 2022. The Asl-B is expected  The 4th edition of the Namibia’s International   Namibia continues to see a lot of exploration
       to be recovered through existing up-dip comple-  Energy Conference will be held from April  activity with proven reserves, estimated at 11bn
       tions on that reservoir. Both zones are expected  20-22, 2022, in Windhoek, Namibia, organized  barrels of oil and 2.2 trillion cubic feet of natural
       to be heavy crude oil.              by Rich Africa Consultancy. It is going to be the  gas. The country has been a major attraction for
         Subsequent to the quarter the EDC-64 rig  official meeting place for the energy industry.  both regional and international oil companies.
       is being moved to the K-67 well location, in the  The two-day flagship event will be held under the  Industry players include Tullow Oil, which is

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   12•January•2022
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